Chapter Seven

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*second year*

"Enemies of the heir beware, You'll be next, mudbloods! " Draco snickered from the space next to her. The students crowded around Flinch's dead cat and the words written in blood on the wall. Draco couldn't have felt more proud of himself, he had done this. He had brought it Tom Riddle's journal, placed it in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom and wat back and watched the magic happen. He wasn't exactly sure what was going to happen next but he had done his part and now, as his father had told him, all he had to do was sit back and watch it happen.

He heard the shouting of teachers and the students were shoved out of the way as Professor McGonagall made her way to the front of the pack. Flinch and Snape followed soon after. There was an unaccustomed silence as the students waited for one of the three of them to speak.

"Go back to your common rooms, all of you," Professor McGonagall said, the students dispersed chattering among each other.

Draco followed her orders and walked with the other second years to the dormitories. No one slept that night, they spoke to one another about what they thought was going on. Draco, who already knew what was happening, stayed up solely to listen to the others foolish theories; he found this quite amusing.

At about one in the morning, Harry, who had stayed quiet for most of the night whispered over to Draco, "You know what's going on, don't you."

"Don't be stupid, Potter. I know about as much as the rest of these bozos." Draco shook his head, scowling over at Harry. They sat on their beds, a few feet away from one another.

"I just thought, since you seem to know about everything bad that happens here, that you would know what all this Heir business. Your father does do business with-"

"Shut it, Potter. You have no idea what my father does."

"That's not the only reason you know. Remember at the beginning of the year when I tried to tell you about Dobby. He's your house elf, he came to me, from your house, to warn me. My guess is that he overheard something, from your house-"

"Okay, I get it," Draco interrupted aggressively. "I get why you would suspect me, but what makes you think that I'm capable of something like this? Merlin, Harry. I'm not here to kill anybody."

Harry smirked, "Well, I'm going to find out who is behind it all, and it would make it a lot easier if you just told me what you know."

"I don't know anything," Draco said through gritted teeth. He pulled the curtains closed, hiding Harry from his view. He feared that Harry was actually going to find out who was behind it all, but did he really have that much to worry about? He wasn't the one that hurt Flinch's cat and there was no way that anyone could trace that diary back to him. 

* * *

It had been weeks since Draco had received the letter and he was reassured by Dumbledore that every family who would fall victim of a potential attack was safe. They had all been relocated to a safer place, although he would not specify where, and were being taken care of by some of the best wizards out there. Even Harry seemed to be calmer about the whole situation, his parents had written to him about what precautions were in place and even thanked Draco for letting them know.

But Draco didn't feel good about helping them. He felt guilty, he felt like he let his entire family down. It did, however, bring Draco closer to Harry and his friends, they all seemed to have forgiven him. Ron hadn't made any snide remarks at all since Harry had filled them in. 

So the three of them spent every night at the library, pouring over homework and looking for any sort of distraction from the real world. It had worked for the most part and by the third week of no one being hurt or killed Draco had started to worry less; maybe everyone really was safe.

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