Chapter Twelve

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Draco and Harry waited until everyone else was in bed that night after the feast. It was nearly two when the last seventh year finally left.

Harry quickly pulled out the Marauders map after the boy had left. He scooted closer to Draco so their legs were touching.

"Okay, so Snape," Harry said. He pointed his wand at the piece of parchment.

"Did he look odd earlier during the sorting? I feel like he was staring daggers at me," Draco said to, helping him scan the map in search for Snape's name.

"I was looking at him for pretty much all of dinner and he did look angrier than normal."

They found his name in his office, he didn't seem to be going anywhere, they stared at it for a few minutes before placing it on the table in front of them. They weren't really given any more instruction other than to follow his every movement. If he did, in fact, have plans to kill Dumbledore, neither of them knew what they were supposed to do about it. Obviously, they had to stop him but how were they going to know how?

"I don't know about you but I think stalking Snape is going to be mighty boring," Draco said, he slumped onto the throw pillows.

Harry moved his body so that he laid in between Draco's legs, his back against Draco's chest. Draco put his arms around him.

"I agree, why don't we just go to Dumbledore about it?" Harry traced circles with his thumb along Draco's hand. "Dumbledore is supposed to know everything, right? He probably already knows Snape's plan. My question is if Dumbledore knew he was a Death Eater why did he hire him?"

"Your parents seem to trust Dumbledore and if Dumbledore thought it was a good idea to hire Snape, then I'm going to guess he knew what he was doing."

Harry sighed and Draco held him tighter. He didn't know what Harry thought but he also trusted Dumbledore. He had already helped him out many times, protecting him from the Death Eaters, giving him clues during the Triwizard Tournament, hiding their secret club from Umbridge. Draco knew what a good wizard he was.

"I know, we just have to get evidence that Snape isn't trustworthy before we go to Dumbledore," Harry said.

"Easy, Snape does sketchy stuff all the time," Draco said.

Harry picked up the map again, Snape hadn't moved since the last time they checked.

"It isn't likely that he'll do much the first night back," Draco said. He grabbed the map from Harry. "Mischief managed." He held Harry for a few more seconds before suggesting that they go to bed.

"I guess we should, shouldn't we?"

Neither of them moved. They took in the heat of the other, feeling the comfort that holding each other brought. They hadn't really gotten many chances to do anything like that at home, with the fear of one of Harry's parents walking in; although they probably would have been fine with it. So they enjoyed it for as long as they could.

Harry got up after a few more minutes because he felt himself falling asleep and grabbed Draco's hand to help him up. Draco stopped him before he could get too far, and brought him into a kiss, holding him there for a few seconds. When he let go he watched Harry smile and then go in for another kiss. 

*Fourth Year*

The opening feast was amazing this year. After the sorting was through, Dumbledore got up and announced that there would be no Quidditch that year, and while it created a lot of mayhem, the reasoning was even better than Quidditch. Hogwarts would be hosting the Triwizard Tournament. Two other schools would in attendance as well. It was exciting for everyone. It wasn't until the headmaster told the students that no one younger than seventeen could join. This seemed to make a lot of people very angry.

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