Me: *sitting on the couch with mah shades on reading manga* *changes book with Warriors*
Armin: *walks in and sits down next to me* o3o
Me: :U
Armin: ? e.e
Me: *Thinks* Holy shiz its Armin efhuwhfhwfoskwoeifjiw
Armin: *watching meh*
Me: o.o
Armin: :3
Me: kwjefowfhjwi *faints*
Armin: I-Is she ok? O.o
America: *sings liek tarzan and jumps through mah window* Yeah, she just fangirled to much :T
Armin: o3o
America: o3o
Poland: Shes mien bishes *takes me and flies on a unicorn*
Ontario: Well that just happened..
Armin: Does this happen everyday? O.o
Ontario, and America: Yup. e3e