Chapter 6: Too Little Too Late

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Aria now found herself, sitting up on her knees, her wand and clutch a ways in front of her. She gazed around the room to see that every other Order member who had not fled was in the same position all around the room. Tonks and Mrs. Weasley were being held down by a shorter, hooded Death Eater and Ginny, Fleur, and the twins were bound by their wrists and were struggling to break free. Charlie was out cold in the corner of the room and if it weren't for the slow rise and fall of his chest they'd have not known he was alive. Lupin, Bill, and Mr. Weasley were also bound and on their knees and they glared at the Death Eater in front of them who kicked away their wands.

"Now, now." said the burly Death Eater in a thick Irish accent, "We don't want to hurt anyone. We just want to know where Harry Potter is."

"Then you're wasting your time." spat Bill coldy. The burly Death Eater leaned in, close to Bill's face.

"I think you're lying to me." he growled. Every time he spoke, Aria trembled.

"Do you honestly think we'd have the most wanted wizard out in the open?" Mr. Weasley piped up, seemingly trying to divert attention from his son. Aria felt the fire behind her, though it was stable, growing hotter and hotter. She wondered if it would burn her hand if she tried to heat the ropes off her wrists.

"I saw him here." said the shorter Death Eater.

"You were mistaken." said Lupin. Tonks looked at her husband in fear and it occurred to Aria how much more danger Lupin was in by being a werewolf.

"If you don't know where the boy is, then you have nothing to fear." the burly Death Eater in front of Mr. Weasley continued, "Arthur Weasley, is it? The blood traitor? Where's Harry Potter?" Mrs. Weasley watched in trepidation.

"I don't know." Mr. Weasley said strongly, "None of us know." The burly Death Eater clenched his fist around his wand and leaned in closer to Arthur.

"Let's try this again." he said and pointed his wand at Mr. Weasley. "Crucio!" Mrs. Weasley let out a yelp as her husband cried out in pain and withered every which way on the ground. The Death Eater lifted the curse and bellowed, "Where's Harry Potter?!"

But Arthur was still recovering from the torture and did not answer quick enough, for the Death Eater shouted again, "Crucio!" Again Mr. Weasley squirmed and screamed. Bill and the twins were shouting at the Death Eater to quit and Fleur, Ginny, and Mrs. Weasley were beginning to cry. Aria herself had tears welling up in her eyes as Mr. Weasley, white-faced, screamed.

"Stop!" Aria shouted from her place in the corner. The third Death Eater, who had been silent the whole time, held his hand up to the burly Death Eater who ceased the curse on Mr. Weasley. The Death Eater then turned to Aria slowly, staring her up and down and her heart began to race.

"Well, well, well..." the Death Eater spoke in a cold voice Aria knew all too well, "Hello, Sis. Didn't see you there. How's Mum and Dad?" Aria wanted to scream and run at him when he took off his mask to reveal himself as Venunus Black. She wanted to kill him.

"We've got to get back." said the shorter Death Eater, "If we've found nothing-" But Venunus was not listening. He was approaching Aria slowly and looked at her as if he couldn't believe he had just won the lottery.

"I think we've got everything we need, right here." he said before reaching out and grabbing her by her hair. She felt her scalp crying out in pain as he lifted her up, her wrists still sorely tied behind her back.

"Let me go!" she cried, struggling. The burly Death Eater laughed and picked up Aria's wand and clutch. Venunus pulled Aria towards the outside of the marquee.

"Aria!" she heard Mrs. Weasley cry. The short Death Eater turned at this with his wand out but again Venunus held up his hand.

"Leave them." Venunus said. Aria felt slight comfort in knowing her friends would be okay but this was bittersweet knowing that she would not be. Venunus, still clutching her hair in the darkness outside of the marquee, turned on the spot and Aria felt the gut-wrenching sensation of apparition. This time, she didn't want to close her eyes as she wanted to stay alert. When the pain of her hair being yanked had ceased, she realized that they were at their destination.

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