Author notes:

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Thanks so much for reading this series! I've been working on it for a year and I'm finally done! Phew! I had a lot of fun with it even if it wasn't very popular. I kind of ended with a mini-cliffhanger so that the door is always open for additions to the story. There are a few unanswered questions that I'd love to hear your thoughts on! But until then, thank you for all the reads and support! here are some little tidbits I couldn't fit into the story that I thought could just fun to share!

- Aria joined the Frog Choir her second year but quit when she was made fun of for being too quiet

-Aria used to experiment with her hair to get noticed or because she didn't know who she was. She stopped at the end of Half-Blood Prince because she had found herself

-Aria and Harry attended the Quidditch World Cup together while engaged

-Aria became a world-renowned healer and eventually cured Neville's parents

-Aria found out that she was very distantly related to Rita Skeeter but never told a soul

-Aria invited the Dursleys in person to their wedding. Only Dudley attended.

-Ginny, Hermione, and Luna were Aria's bridesmaids at her and Harry's wedding

-Teddy Lupin was a ring bearer at Aria and Harry's wedding

-Aria bought Harry niffler for their first wedding anniversary

-Aria and Harry miscarried between Albus and Lily. They would've named him Neville Jacob if he was a boy and Minerva Hermione if a girl.

-Aria forgave Draco before Harry did and it was she who got them to talk

-When Madam Pomfrey retired, Aria was first up for the position but turned it down because by then, she had retired to be a mom

-Hagrid, McGonagall, and the Weasleys all sent James, Albus, and Lily Christmas presents every year as if they were family.

Aria Ashborn and the Deathly Hallows (A Harry Potter fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now