Epilogue: Nineteen Years Later

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King Cross Station's busiest time of the year was always September 1st, yet none of the employees knew why. Children and parents all walked through the doors pushing trollies containing trunks, cats, and owls. Yet, no employee had ever seen these children get on a train. Amongst the hustle and bustle of the new school year, were a couple, both with dark, brown hair, and their three children.

"I won't! I won't be in Slytherin!" shouted one of the boys. He had untidy brown hair, like his father.

"Lily, there's a lot of people here." said Aria to her daughter. Lily Luna was the spitting image of her mother, although she had inherited her father's eyes; and poor eyesight. "Please hold onto my hand, darling." Lily closed her finger around her mother's hand and continued on the platform.

"James, give it a rest." said Harry. Harry has a few more wrinkles compared to his wife who had hardly any on her clear skin.

"I only said he might be." said James. James Sirius, the older of the two brothers sped ahead of his family, walking off towards a brick column between platforms nine and ten.

"Listen to your father!" Aria called after her son, "Oh, Al, come here a moment." Albus stayed behind and rolled his eyes as his mother attempted to comb down his untidy hair with her one hand, the other hand still holding onto Lily.

"Mum!" Albus grunted.

"Alright, alright." said Aria, pulling her hand away. Albus then ran his hand back through his hair so that it was messy again.

"Together?" Harry said to him and Albus nodded. The two of them ran straight towards the column and disappeared on the other side. Aria smiled at Lily, knowing this was her favorite part and the two followed Harry and Albus through the barrier.

They were welcomed by a sign that said Platform 9 ¾ along with the red, Hogwarts Express which puffed steam onto the platform. Aria found her family through the crowd of many children and parents and regrouped.

"Will there really be thestrals pulling the carriages?" Albus asked, looking slightly scared.

"What are thestrals?" Lily Luna asked, looking up at her father.

"Big, mean, skeleton horses!" James shouted, and Lily jumped back, holding onto her mother's hand even tighter.

"James, stop scaring your sister." Aria scolded.

"Sorry, Lil." James said before running ahead of them again.

"There's nothing scary about thestrals." said Harry to Albus, "They're gentle things. Anyway, you won't be going up to school in the carriages. You'll be going in the boats, remember?"

"Look!" Lily said, pointing off into the crowd, "I see Aunt Mione!" Aria smiled when she caught sight of Ron and Hermione. Hermione wore her hair up in a bun, though there were a few stray strands. Ron had developed sunken eyes and somewhat of a gut. They were accompanied by two red-headed children, a boy, and a girl.

"Hi Uncle Harry." said Hugo Weasley Granger, "Hi Auntie Aria." Ron had scooped Lily up in his arms and had begun to chat with Harry.

"Oh my goodness Hugo, you're getting so big!" said Aria, outstretching her arms and wrapping Hugo in a hug. "You too Rosie."

"I know." said Hermione, tears forming as she examined her daughter, "Starting Hogwarts already."

"If you're anything like your mum, I'll bet you'll be top of your class in no time." said Aria to Rose, who was a bit bucktoothed as Hermione had been her first year.

"I've been reading every book I can get my hands on just in case there's a pop quiz on the first day!" Rose exclaimed. Aria smiled and looked to Hermione who couldn't have been more proud. Just then, James came running back towards them, a huge grin on his face.

"I've just seen Teddy!" he exclaimed, "And guess what? He was snogging Victoire!"

"Not our cousin Victoire?" Hugo exclaimed.

"Oh, wouldn't it be lovely if they got married?" Lily told Hugo, "Teddy would really be part of the family then!"

"He already comes over for dinner three times a week!" Harry laughed.

"Look! Arty's here!" Rose said and ran over to greet her cousin. Arthur Thomas stood with his parents Ginny, who had cut her hair short since her youth, and Dean. Arthur seemed to be a perfect mix of them both as he was dark skinned with freckles.

"So that's little Scorpius." said Ron and Aria looked over to see the blonde and pale boy standing beside his father, Draco, "Don't get too friendly with him Al. If he's anything like his father--"

"That's enough Ronald." scolded Hermione, "Albus can make friends with whomever he likes."

"You're right I'm sorry." said Ron, "It won't matter though. When he's sorted into Gryffindor they'll see less of each other." Albus looked to his father.

"Dad?" he said and Harry excused himself so the two of them could talk a ways off. Ron went off to fetch James, Lily, and Hugo who had snuck off to catch a glimpse of Bill's daughter Victoire, and Aria and Harry's godson, Teddy.

"How long before you and Luna take off on your big trip?" Hermione asked, but Aria was trying very hard to overhear Harry and Albus's conversation.

"Just a few weeks..." she replied.

"What if I'm put in Slytherin?" Albus asked. Harry had bent down so that he was at the level of his son.

"Albus Severus Potter." said Harry, "You were named after two brave men. One of them was a Slytherin."

"But just say I am --"

"Then Slytherin House will have gained a wonderful wizard." said Harry, with a smile and gleam in his eyes behind the glasses, "But listen, if it means so much to you, you can choose Gryffindor. The Sorting Hat takes your choice into account."


"Really." Albus hugged his father tightly as the train whistled signaling its imminent departure. Aria hugged Albus tightly before he, Rose, and James went off towards the train. Ron returned with Hugo and Lily.

"He'll be alright." Aria said to Harry with a smile as they watched their children board the train along with Ron and Hermione.

"I know he will." said Harry, kissing Aria on the cheek. They could see the three kids sitting together and waving through the compartment window as the train began to leave the station. Aria blew kisses at both of her boys as Lily shouted goodbyes at them.

Harry then put a hand on the small of her back and she giggled when she remembered how awkward she used to get when he did this when they were first dating. Her mind wandered to all the many letters she would begin to pen that night to send off to her sons. Then Harry would tell her not to embarrass them. They would then tuck Lily in, give her a glass of water, and read her story. When Lily was asleep, Aria and Harry would read a book together, snuggled up on their couch.

Aria smiled at this thought as the train sped past, off into the countryside. She looked down at Lily who was still holding her hand tightly and then looked up at Harry, meeting his bright green eyes and spotting the scar on his forehead that had not pained him in nineteen long years. They were the happiest they had ever been. All was well.

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