Chapter 8: A Place to Hide

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It took Aria a moment to realize where she was when she woke up the next morning. The familiar crunchiness of the leaves brought back memories from the previous night and how close she had gotten to reaching her friends. She sat up and almost instantly felt the sharp pain in her stomach that indicated hunger. But she didn't quite know what to do about it. Then, her thoughts went to Yaxley. In a rush to look for Harry, Ron, and Hermione in the forest the previous night, she had quickly obliviated Yaxley and stowed him away in an empty alley. What had become of him? Through all this, her head was reeling and she felt quite ill. Her head felt like it was about to burst. She decided that the first thing she would do would be to go back to the alley she had left Yaxley and make sure he had been found. Then, she would have to find food there. After all, Spinner's End had to have a market, right?

She turned on the spot so that the fall forest disappeared and a wet, grey alley was in its place. It had apparently rained hard the previous night and the grey clouds above threatened to cry again. Aria was both pleased and nervous to see that Yaxley had gone. She was surprised to see that in his place her own face stared up at her from a crumpled up Daily Prophet. Aria looked around to make sure no one had spotted her and knelt down to read the paper. It read:

'Wanted: An Undesirable by the name of Aria Ashborn. For: Not attending her trial, aiding Undesirable No 1. Multiple times including an escape from the Ministry of Magic, and possibly aiding in the escape of multiple muggle-borns from their respective trials at the Ministry. 8.000 galleons on her head.'

She was not surprised to see this. She was, however, surprised to see what was on the next page of the Prophet. Hogwarts school graced the page but it did not look like the school Aria had come to know as her home. It had the same walls and bricks and layout but it looked cold and foreboding. Then, Aria read the heading.

"Snape's headmaster?!"


Harry stared down at the photograph in his hands. Aria and he both looked so happy that Christmas. Harry remembered how he felt that night and how in love he was with her. It was Harry's turn to keep watch. He had agreed to do so gladly. Anything to get away from the racket that was Ron's portable radio. Besides, he needed to be alone with his thoughts. The Horcrux seemed to beat against his chest like it had a heart, a soul.

"Harry, I've made tea," said Hermione, kindly, stepping out from the tent.

"She was right there with us." Harry said, "We were so close."

"I know." said Hermione, her voice soothing, "But she's strong. I'm sure she's safe."

Harry turned to her. He didn't care that she was sad, hungry, and scared like he was. He was angry that Aria was sad, hungry, and scared and it was all Hermione's fault. "Maybe if you hadn't blasted her off-"

"I told you it was an accident!" Hermione retorted, her hair was bushier than ever as she hadn't brushed it in weeks as they had been traveling, "Yaxley had hold on us! I had to act!"

Harry scoffed and paused a moment before speaking. "How long till Ron can apparate?"

Hermione looked taken back by this sudden change of subject. "I don't know." Harry rolled his eyes at this which Hermione caught.

"I'm doing all I can," she said sternly.

"Well you aren't doing enough!" shouted Harry, standing up.

"Take it off!" Hermione shouted fiercely, "Take it off! Now!" Harry reluctantly took the locket off from around his neck and placed it in the palm of Hermione's hand. His blood slowly ceased boiling and his breathing became normal once more.

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