Chapter 20: The Flaw in the Plan

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The sun was beginning to rise as Aria made her way through the courtyard and found Ron and Hermione huddled together on the steps leading to the entrance hall. Hermione had her head on Ron's shoulder. Both looked as if they had been crying. When they saw Aria approaching, they jumped to their feet.

"Aria! Are you okay?" Hermione cried, "What--what happened?"

"Nothing happened." Aria said grimly, "I went to look for Harry but I couldn't find him."

"What do you mean?" asked Ron.

"I saw Voldemort but--" Aria started, "I think Harry might be alive."

"Are you sure?" asked Hermione, "How do--" Hermione's face had gone pale and her eyes wide as she gazed out towards the horizon. Aria followed her eyeline until she saw them; hundreds of Death Eaters cloaked in black were making their way across the stone bridge. They walked slowly, led by their leader. Also in front of the procession, was Hagrid. He was carrying something long and lanky but he was too far away for Aria to make out just what it was. All around the three of them, students, professors, and the Order had begun to emerge from the castle and spread out into the courtyard. Aria looked to her left to see Professor McGonagall and Mr. Weasley. To her right, were Neville, Ginny, and Luna. Behind them, the rest of their army.

"Who is that?" Ginny asked, "Hagrid's carrying? Neville, who is it?" But as they came closer, Aria saw, as many others did that it was a body. Any gleam of hope she had left was extinguished.

"Harry Potter is dead!" shouted the Dark Lord.

"NO!!" cried Professor McGonagall.

"No!" Ron shouted.

"Harry!" cried Hermione.

"No! No!" Aria screamed, starting to run at Voldemort but she was stopped by Neville. She struggled against him briefly.

"SILENCE!" shouted Voldemort, pointing his wand at the crowd and Aria immediately felt her tongue curl back so that she could not speak. Voldemort's red eyes scanned the crowd.

"You cry for that?" he motioned to Harry's body which had become wet with Hagrid's tears. Harry's mouth was slightly open and his glasses askew. She could not bear to look at him anymore. "Tell me. In these last few hours--as you collected the dead and tended your wounded--was he by your side? While your hands ran dark with the blood of mothers and sons, fathers and daughters, brothers and sisters, his were clasped in prayer -- but it was a prayer for one and one only."

"While you battled courageously until you could no longer will yourself to stand, he had long since fallen to his knees. While you cursed me until your voices grew ragged, he begged me for mercy in a voice as meek as a child's. So do not cry for that. He's not worthy of your tears. And do not despair of his betrayal. You were never in his heart. Not for one single solitary beat."

"Liar!" shouted Ron, as angry as Aria felt. Her tongue uncurled as the silencing charm broke. Voldemort flicked his wand and Ron fell to his knees and grimaced in pain. Hermione was quick to help him up.

"Did you not hear me!" shouted the cold voice of Voldemort, "Harry Potter is dead! From this day forward, you put your faith in me or suffer the consequences. HARRY POTTER IS DEAD! And now it's the time to declare yourself. Come forward and join us...or die!" There was silence throughout the crowd. Although they were broken and tears welled up in their eyes, they were strong.

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