Chapter 16: The Sacking of Severus Snape

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"I don't remember this being on the Marauder's Map." said Ron as Neville led the way through the stone passageway hidden behind the portrait of Ariana Dumbledore.

"That's because it never existed till now." said Neville, "The seven secret passages were sealed off before the start of the year. This is the only way in or out now. The grounds are crawling with Death Eaters and Dementors."

"How bad is it, Neville?" asked Hermione, "With Snape as Headmaster."

"Hardly ever see him." Neville replied, "It's the Carrows you have to watch out for."

"The Carrows?" asked Aria.

"Brother and sister." Neville explained, "They're in charge of discipline. Like punishment, the Carrows."

"They did that to you?" asked Hermione, referring to the black eye, "But why?"

"Today's Dark Arts lesson had us practicing the Cruciatus Curse." Neville went on, "On First Years. I refused. Hogwarts has changed. Aw, c'mon. Don't be grim. We're all used to it by now. And the thing is, it helps when people stand up, gives everyone hope. Used to notice that when you did it, Harry. Ginny, Luna, and I, we've been the leaders. But we lost Luna at Christmas and then Ginny on Easter break. It was just me for a while until Luna came back. C'mon, we're almost there." Soon enough, they had reached a large door. Aria could barely see anything over her friends' heads as the passageway was only wide enough for a single file line and she was in the back.

"Let's have a bit of fun, shall we?" Neville smiled before opening the door and closing it behind him. Aria, Harry, Hermione, and Ron tried their best to listen to what he was saying on the other side. Harry even put his ear to the door.

"Hey! Listen up, you lot!" said Neville, unable to contain the excitement in his voice, "I've brought you a surprise!"

"Not more of Aberforth's cooking, I hope." said someone that Aria knew to be Seamus based on the fact that she could barely understand him with his thick accent and speed of talking, "Be a surprise if we could digest it." Then, Neville opened the door to reveal the four of them. Before Aria could even see them, she heard them; cheers and clapping for the return of Harry Potter to Hogwarts. Neville helped them all down from the passageway exit and down onto the ground of a large room that looked familiar to Aria.

The walls were made of mirrors and the room had an icy blue glow to it. Hammocks hung in all directions complete with pillows and blankets. Around thirty students, broken and bruised, wore smiles on their faces as they hugged and cheered for the four of them. After receiving hugs from Lavender Brown, Luna Lovegood, and Michael Corner, Aria realized that they were all DA members and it then hit her that they were in the Room of Requirement.

"Okay, okay! Stand down! Let's not kill them before You-Know-Who gets the chance!" Neville called and everyone obeyed, eagerly looking up at Harry, "Right then. What's the plan, Harry?" Just then, the door to the Hog's Head-passage opened above them and Dean Thomas emerged.

"Hey Neville." he said, as he climbed down the ladder, "I got your message."

"Dean!" Seamus exclaimed, darting over to give his buddy a hug, "You're alive!"

"Wait. How is it your here?" Aria began, "And-- Ginny! Fred! George!" The three Weasleys had emerged from the door as well and were making their way down the ladder.

"Dean." Ginny said when she spotted him. As they embraced, Fred made a fake 'disgusted' face behind them. A few DA members giggled.

"Six months she hasn't seen me and it's like I'm Frankie First Year." Ron said under his breath, "I mean, I'm only her brother."

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