Chapter 19: The Forest Again

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The atmosphere was eerily quiet as Harry, Aria, Hermione, and Ron made their way across the courtyard. They could smell the smoke as well as see the flames that were shrinking in the rubble. There were several long objects lying throughout the piles of stone. As they drew nearer, Aria realized they were the bodies of Death Eaters and students alike. She could not bear to look at the people she had gone to school with, taken before they even graduated. As they approached the entrance hall, they saw Neville, hoisting the small and frail body of Colin Creevey over his shoulder, fireman style.

"Neville." said Aria quietly, "Where is everybody?" Neville did not answer but looked solemnly towards the doors to the Great Hall. Aria led the way, preparing herself for the pain that would lie beyond those doors. Ron opened them. The Great Hall was filled with survivors, drinking and being treated by Madam Pomfrey. Rubies and emeralds that once represented house points were scattered on the floor. Several bodies lay upon cloth stretchers on the ground. Aria was immediately drawn to Fred. Percy had managed to take his body out of the wreckage. It was only right that the other Weasleys get to say a proper goodbye.

Mrs. Weasley sobbed into Fred's chest as Mr. Weasley stroked her hair. Ron embraced Percy and they cried audibly. When Hermione and Aria approached, Ginny fell into Hermione's arms. Aria couldn't look at Fred without bursting into tears. So it was strange when George approached her, tears streaming down his face. She embraced him and comforted him as he shook with each sob. Fred's death was devastating and Aria could barely hold back her tears.

This was until...she saw who else was dead. Aria dropped to her knees when she saw Remus and Tonks lying beneath the starry sky of the Great Hall, their fingers clumsily intertwined; apparently asleep. Tonks, who had been like an older sister to Aria. She was there for her when her father went into a coma and when her parents died. Remus, who had been one of Aria's favorite teachers, who was so important to Harry. It just couldn't be. All these things ran through her mind and she just couldn't control the tears anymore. She broke down crying, holding onto Tonks' free hand. It wasn't fair! They...they just had a son....Tonks was going to tell her something and now she would never know what it was...she didn't even say goodbye...she just assumed they would meet again later on.

Aria did not know how long she had cried over Tonks and Remus's bodies but she soon felt a hand on her shoulder. Thinking it was Harry, she looked up. But it was Hermione. Aria did not have the strength to wonder of Harry's whereabouts, instead, she let her best friend embrace her.


"Aria, do you think you can help patch up some of our injured?" asked Madam Pomfrey. Aria had taken the time to calm down and collect herself. Her eyes, at last, seemed dry and her knees no longer weak.

"Sure." she said, standing up. Tonks and Remus's bodies had been taken away. Aria made her way to the benches where several injured people sat. Professor Trelawney was attending to Padma's twisted ankle and Professor Slughorn was applying dittany to a bloody gash on Filtch's arm.


"Hi Aria." said Cho. She was sitting on the bench between Padma and Ernie, clutching her torso. She had many bruises on her pretty face.

"What happened?" asked Aria, taking a seat next to her.

"Got thrown down the stairs." Cho said softly, "It doesn't hurt much. Only when I move." Aria put her hand on Cho's side and she winced.

"Looks like a cracked rib." Aria said, "I can mend it, no problem." Aria took out Narcissa's wand and got to work.

"Really?" Cho replied, "Thanks."

"You sound surprised like I'd just let you suffer a cracked rib." said Aria, a hint of humor in her voice she didn't think she still possessed.

"Well, it's just that...I thought you didn't like me."

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