Chapter 17: The Battle of Hogwarts

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When the grand doors to the Room of Requirement opened again, the hideout of the DA was gone. The hammocks were replaced with mountains of all sort of objects including books, chairs, and Aria even noticed the lanterns from Slughorn's Christmas party amongst the thousands of objects. The blue glow and the mirrored walls were hidden behind knick knacks that seemed to go on and on. The room had become the Room of Hidden Things. Aria recognized it and the memory of her rushing to hide the blood splattered book.

"Do you remember where you saw it?" asked Harry,

"Erm...erm I can't remember." Aria thought long and hard, her face scrunching up, "There were...pillows! Pillows! Look for pillows!"

"Alright." said Harry, "Let's split up. It'll be around pillows." Hermione, Aria, and Ron nodded and all went their separate ways. Aria sprinted through the maze of objects, running past a large, marble pawn, and the vanishing cabinet. Her instincts told her to go left and so she did. Then, she saw it. Pillows of deep blue stacked upon an old dusty shoebox, that hid the Half-Blood Prince's book. On top of it all was the silver tiara. She smiled when she saw it and took it in her hands. Examining it closely she could read the words etched on its surface: Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure.

"Well, well, well." said a cool voice behind her, "What are you doing here, Ashborn?" Aria turned around quickly, hiding the tiara behind her back. Draco Malfoy along with Crabbe and Goyle. All had their wands raised at Aria.

"I could ask you the same question." she said.

"I virtually lived here last year. Remember?"

"I remember."

"If you're here then I assume your boyfriend is too." Draco said, his eyes darting to, scouting for Harry, "He has something of mine." Aria noticed the wand in his hand. She didn't know whose it was or where he got it but it was so skinny that is resembled a stick.

"Draco, you don't want any of this." Aria said calmly.

"You don't know anything about me." Draco said sharply but his eyes told a different story than his mouth.

"I know you knew it was Harry but you didn't tell Bellatrix." said Aria, taking a step closer, stalling for as much time as possible, "I know you didn't let me bleed out in that cellar."

"They needed you alive."

"Come on, Draco." Goyle said, "Don't be a prat."

"You care." said Aria as Draco's wand lowered slightly, his eyes glistened, "You're in a terrible position, I get it. But, you're on the wrong side of things."

"Avada Kedavra!" shouted Goyle and Aria jumped behind a ceiling-high pile of chairs. Luckily, Goyle was not a very good shot. The green spell, however, still managed to barely hit the diadem in Aria's hand, which went flying into the pile of chairs.

"What the hell are you doing" Aria could hear Draco shout, "We need them alive."

"You said we needed Potter alive, not her." Goyle replied.

"Expelliarmus!" shouted another voice and it was Harry. Aria peaked around the corner to see that Ron, Hermione, and Harry had joined the fight. Goyle was no wandless and Harry was backing Draco around a corner.

"Did you find it?" Hermione said quickly to Aria.

"I had it!" Aria replied, "Goyle shot it out of my hand!" Arai gestured to the mountain of objects and Hermione scanned it quickly.

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