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It's been two days since Tyler, Jasper and I came back from Wal-Mart and I still haven't done the pregnancy test. I'm scared of the results.

I told the boys not to tell anyone we went to Wal-Mart because I didn't want Rocky to get mad at them because I wanted them to go. Tyler and I have talked more since the little shopping spree for pregnancy test and he hasn't brought up the subject, which I'm grateful for.

But, I knew at some point I would have to do this. I can't continue to lounge around in stress. If I am pregnant, I need to take care of my child and get out this house before I have it.

I pushed myself out of the chair that was in my new renovated room, went under my mattress and grabbed the at that held my test. I walked slowly to the bathroom door and opened it with precaution. I didn't want no one to know i was up considering it was early in the morning.

As I walked over to the toilet, my hands started to get clammy, my legs began to feel like two building ready to fall within every step and my heart became heavy.

I pulled my pants down and I sat on the toilet and my legs to began to bounce from my energetic nerves. I pulled the two test out of the boxes it came with. Since I've never done this, I have to read the instructions.

Step One Pregnancy Test 3 minute test


Take test out of boxes and sit on the toilet. Take cap off the pregnancy test and place stick below your vagina and pee. If the stick on the digital screen is a (+) you ARE pregnant. If the stick comes out (-), you are NOT! After, wait 3 minutes for results.

Welcome to Motherhood!

I followed the directions as I read and rolled my eyes at the last bit. I placed the two sticks under me and waited.

The suspense made me throw up just thinking of a baby. Being a mother is something I've always wanted but not like this.

I took the two test, put the caps on them and then cleaned them then put them on a wash cloth on the sink. I pulled my pants up and then I paced back and forth in the large bathroom as tears started to come down my face.

I dont want to be the mother my mother was. Having her child grow up without a father, and a raped mother.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

My breath hitched as i stared down at the test that sat in front of me. Staring back at me like a plague, just ready to kill me.


"What does it say?"

I quickly turned around and wiped my tears. Rocky stood in front of me with his hand fidgeting.


Rocky walked up to me and put his hand on my cheek and began to kiss the tears that continued to flow.

"Imma do what ever i can to make sure you and my baby is forever cozy. I don't give a fuck what happens to me, as long as you and it is good. I promise." Rakim said.

I wanted to believe him but he's said and done somethings that he hasn't explained.

I nodded my head.

"Imma call the doctor that came here the the last time. He specialize in everything. Imma call him so that we can make sure OUR baby is okay?" All i did was nod.

He was my kidnaper and yet he wanted to take care of a child that wasn't his. Im not his property. Im not his girl so why is he acting like this.

I would say fuck him but he's made promises to me. More promises that my mother could of ever made to me.

After waiting for an hour, the doctor came in with the baby stuff to check the baby and to see if the baby is okay.

In that hour, i ended up taking a shower trying to wash my nerves away.

My reality is finally settling in and I'm not sure this is what i want. I wanted to be the girl that was married with kids and a husband that i loved so much.

Not forced to have a baby and live in a house i barely knew.

"Alright Ms. Isis, Can you sit on this sofa? If you get uncomfortable, please tell me." The doctor said.

We were in the extra guess room. Jordan, Tyler, Frank, Rakim, and Jasper crowded around me but they weren't that close to me. Jasper ended up moving in after the incident.

The doctor took my vitals and took a sample of my blood. It was so weird being in the predicament. I felt like crying. I felt so used.

"Alright Miss, I'm going to put the serum on your stomach so that we can see the baby. Its going to be cold though." The doctor said.

He then proceeded to pour the cold jelly on my stomach and i flinched as he did it as it was freezing. As soon as he put this microphone looking thing on my stomach, i seen the baby.

It wasnt that big, but it made me tear up. I want this baby to be set for life and if i want that, i cant live here.

"Your baby is growing and healthy. You're very lucky considering what you've been through since you've been here. I would advise you to stay active and eat good. I have prenatal pills and you just rake one every day." The doctors said as he began to shuffle around his bag to find them.

"I gotta question, Doc. Do you know the due date?" Rakim asked.

"October 3, 2018." Rakim then dropped the papers he had in his hands.


"Are you fucking kidding me, you fucking idiot! You got that little bitch pregnant? What the fuck was you thinking? I asked you to fuck her to make him mad! Not to get her pregnant!" I yelled at Ferg.

He just stood there looking dumb. This was the thing i was most afraid of. Getting the little bitch pregnant.

"I know i fucked up! But something good might come of this."

"What the fuck could come of this stupid?" He sat in front of me with a dumb look on his face with a big dumbass coat on.

"When Rakim got him last girl pregnant, he was making plans to move her out of the house. What if we keep a close eye on them so that when they move, they'd least expect our next move. He took my fucking family from me and seen nothing wrong with it. You being here already show that I'm winning against them. And dont you know ole girl anyway?" Ferg said. He was right. I do know that little bitch.

I made her.

"Thats not none of your fucking business. I just want that little bitch. For the seed she carry. I fucking own her. Not bitch ass Rocky." I yelled out in frustration. I ran my hand through my waves and fixed my posture.

Ion need niggas thinking in weak. Ill kill a bitch or nigga in a heartbeat.

I have been looking for Isis for a long time. Rocky gonna pay for the shit he's done to everyone.

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