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THE HEAT RADIATING from his body and the proximity of his lips to mine was enough to hinder my breathing.

My eyes were squinted shut, not wanting to see just how close he had gotten to me.

I could feel his warm breath fan my face as he ducked his lips closer towards my neck.

My heart hammered against my chest as he brushed his lips against my jawline.

Suddenly I felt the rush of cold air.

Confused, I opened my eyes and looked around.

Jimin was standing five feet away from me, a smirk plastered on his face as he ran a hand through his hair.

He chuckled as he took in my tinted cheeks and flustered appearance.

"I hate you," I spat out, stomping off towards the door and slamming it shut behind me.

"That arrogant prick, god he's such a dick," I seethed under my breath as I marched over to my desk.

"Talking to yourself?"

My head whipped to the direction of the voice, it was Mina.

"Oh, hey," I half smiled in greeting, "Jimin's getting on my last nerve."

"That guy? The new one?" she asked, stepping closer to me, "He's so hot."

Mina fanned herself and looked off as if she was day dreaming about him.

I snorted, "Don't get your hopes up, the guy is a next level douchebag, he's making me go to Japan this weekend instead of the company retreat."

"Wait seriously? So you're not going?" Her mouth opened in surprise.

I shook my head, disappointment on my face.

"But that's not it, he's also Taeyeon's nephew,"

"He's what?" she snapped out of whatever Jimin induced daze she was in and looked at me, her eyes wide.

"He's Taeyeon's nephew, he's taking over the company soon," I explained, "and unfortunately for me, I'm his secretary."

"Well that just ruined my plans," she crossed her arms and pouted, "our kids would've been so cute."

I looked at her oddly, her imagination would never cease to weird me out.

"Ok well, have fun with that," I touched her shoulder reassuringly, "but I have some work to do."

"Oh of course, sorry for bothering you," she laughed and walked away.

The rest of the day went by without a hitch.

Mainly because I avoided Jimin like the plague after our little encounter in his office.

However, the second I stepped through the door of my apartment, my phone dinged with a text message.

I discarded my coat and shoes in the foyer and dug through my purse to locate my phone.

Looking at the text I received, I groaned loudly.

unknown number
hey kitten
it's jimin
dress formally tomorrow
we have an important meeting

"Hey you okay?" I heard Namjoon call from the living room, obviously having heard my outburst.

"Yea," I shouted back, "it's just my annoying ass boss."

I heard him laugh at my comment, making me smile as well.

Until I glanced back down at my phone, and that smile quickly turned into a frown.

Determined to give Jimin a piece of my mind, I furiously typed back a reply.

don't call me that
and how the hell did you
even get my number

I'll call you whatever I want
And I got it from taeyeon

just don't contact me again

As I said before
I'm the boss of you
Not the other way around

I rolled my eyes and put my phone down on my nightstand, leaving Jimin on read.

As I was changing into my pajamas, my phone dinged again.

"I swear to god," I muttered under my breath, stomping over to read the new message.

leaving me on read?
you'll regret that kitten

Thank you all for reading! Hope you guys have a wonderful weekend<3

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