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I SIGHED OUT LOUD when I realized Jimin had really left me alone in a foreign country.

Not that I was surprised.

Rolling back my shoulders, I glanced around and attempted to spot the check-in desk.

I found it rather quickly, and lucky for me there wasn't a line.

I stepped right up to the counter and smiled at concierge woman who returned the favor.

"Hello miss, how may I help you today?"

"Hi I'm just here to check-in," I answered, adjusting my jacket awkwardly.

"Ok great, can I get a name for the reservation?"

I almost said my name out loud, but then I realized that Jimin was the one who had booked the room.

"Uh Park, Jimin Park,"

She nodded lazily before realizing what I had said.

"Oh Mr. Park?" she seemed surprised, "Are you his wife?"

Her eyes widened and she glanced at my left hand, when she realized I had no ring on, she smiled slightly.

"Uh no, just his secretary," I replied, already not liking the conversation.

She seemed much too happy when I pointed out Jimin and I's strictly business oriented relationship.

"Ah I see," she said, her red lips still pulled up into a small smile.

Her eyebrows furrowed at something on the screen.

"It says here that he booked one room,"

That bastard.

He didn't even bother to get me a room?

Where the fuck am I supposed to sleep?

The buffet?

"With two beds," she finished, glancing up at me distastefully.

Oh that son of a bitch—

I tried to internalize my surprise and anger as best as I could, I didn't want to see this woman continue to smile maniacally.

"Yes that's correct," I fixed my hair, faking confidence.

"Oh ok," her expression turned sour as her eyebrow arched.

She shuffled some papers at her desk and eventually handed me a small booklet.

"Here's your key cards and room number, please don't hesitate to call if you have any problems," she said in an obvious overly fake voice.

"Thank you, have a great day," I matched her sarcasm and walked away.

I quickly realized that I had no idea where I was going, as the lobby as quite expansive and I was still very much alone.

My pace slowed as I tried to scope out where the elevators were located.

Eventually I spotted a sign and an arrow pointing in their direction, so I changed my course and began walking towards them.

On my way there, an expensive looking bar and lounge caught my eye and I slowed down again to observe the design and architecture.

This entire hotel really is magnificent.

My happy thoughts were ruined when I spotted Jimin sitting at the bar, knocking back a shot of tequila.

My mouth opened in shock, surprised that he was drinking so early in the day.

As if he knew I was staring at him, he swiveled in his seat.

I tried to hide behind a nearby plant when I saw him rotating, but apparently I wasn't fast enough.

I heard him laugh and begin walking over to me.

"You can't hide from me kitten," he smirked, stumbling slightly.

"I wasn't hiding, I was enjoying the foliage," I retorted, still crouched next to a potted plant.

"Don't lie to me," his gaze darkened.

I stood up slowly and rolled my eyes, "Anyways, mind telling me why the fuck you only booked one room for us?"

He looked confused for a moment, but his expression quickly changed to his usual smirk.

"Why? Are you afraid you won't be able to resist me?"

I snorted, "You disgust me,"

"I know, it keeps me up at night," he pretended to look saddened and sighed dramatically.

"Ok daytime Emmy can we hurry this up? I don't have all day." I snapped my fingers, eager to take a well earned nap.

"Damn alright woman, don't get your panties in a twist," he huffed.

Dang it been a while since I last updated,,, please don't kill me lol

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