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I BEGAN LEADING HIM towards the elevators, not caring that he would stumble behind me every once in a while.

My pace quickened when I noticed the entrance to the elevator block.

"Get the room key out," Jimin suddenly appeared next to me.

I jumped slightly, "Jesus, don't scare people like that," I chastised.

"I can do much worse than scare you love,"

"Fuck off," I retorted, grabbing the room key and showing the security guard in front of the entrance.

He nodded at me once and then moved his attention to the guests behind us.

I quickly navigated the elevator block that would bring us to the 37th floor.

Jimin returned to trailing behind me like a tipsy puppy and I couldn't help but laugh at his drunken state.

I finally dragged him into the elevator and attempted to prop him up while I pressed the button.

The elevator lurched upwards, forcing an already uncoordinated Jimin right into me and shoving my back against the wall of the elevator.

I winced in pain and glared at Jimin, he looked disoriented for a second before realizing our position and morphing his expression into yet another smirk.

"Oh my god, get off," I scoffed at him, scrunching my nose in disgust as I pushed his body away from mine.

He stumbled into the opposite wall and regained his composure by holding onto the railing.

His head lolled for a few moments and I was almost afraid he had just passed out.

Only because I would have to drag his heavy ass to the hotel room.

Fortunately for me and my subpar upper body strength, he finally raised his head and his brown eyes locked onto mine.

He cocked an eyebrow and winked at me, forcing butterflies into my stomach.

I ignored my sudden rush of emotions and glared at him before rolling my eyes and turning away.

I noticed him stalking towards me out of the corner of my eye and within seconds he had me pinned against the wall again.

Just as I was about to knee him in the crotch, the elevator doors dinged open.

Jimin came to his senses and yanked his body off mine.

Luckily, there wasn't anyone in the hallways to observe my humiliation and anger, which only gave me the green light to blow up in Jimin's face.

"What in the hell is your problem?!" I yelled at him.

He seemed unfazed by my outburst and instead calmly fixed his tie and smoothed down his jacket, refusing to make eye contact with me.

My cheeks became warm at his dismissal of my feelings and I found myself unable to move.

Jimin stepped out of the elevator but stopped once he noticed I hadn't followed.

His arm shot out to stop the elevator doors from closing me in as he finally snapped his eyes to mine.

My breath caught in my throat as he quirked a brow, his chocolate eyes giving me a sultry gaze, "Are you coming kitten?"

GUYSSS, I am genuinely so sorry for not updating in a long ass time. There's really no excuse, I was trying to put together this story with some kind of direction and I just lost inspiration for a while:/

BUT, to make up for it I will be posting either one or two more parts today and at least two next week. I will make it my priority to bust this book out because I've found my inspiration again and I'm very excited to write this:) Thank you for your unconditional love and support, I appreciate every single one of you guys💕

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