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JIMINS LIPS WERE SOFT and warm as they moved against mine.

He tentatively reached for my hips, bringing me even closer to his body. He kissed me slowly, leaning over me slightly.

My head was in a whirlwind, was this actually happening?

Jimin's tongue brushing against my bottom lip was confirmation enough that this wasn't some erotic dream of mine.

I broke away suddenly, breathing heavily as I took in his swollen lips and hooded eyes.

"What the hell was that?" I gasped, still trying to catch my breath.

"That was me, trying to show you how I feel, since I don't know how else to do it." He looked away sheepishly.

"So do you like me or do you want to be friends with benefits?" My heart rate picked back up at the thought of him confessing that he only wanted to sleep with me and that his apologies were all a front.

"Friends with benefits?" He chuckled at me, "no I don't want to be friends with benefits, I imagine you would try to hit me again if I tried that."

I smiled, "yea I probably would."

"Besides, I know you're worth more than that, especially to me." He blushed, breaking our eye contact.

"Your aunt will kill me," I whispered, remembering Taeyeon's raging temper and never ending distaste for me.

"She doesn't need to know," he whispered back, leaning in again.

I was about to argue that she always knows, but I decided that I would rather be kissing Jimin than debating about his aunt.

His hand cupped my face and brought my lips back up towards his as he kissed me slowly.

It wasn't full of desire or overly rushed as I anticipated, instead it was soft and romantic, two feelings I never imagined Park Jimin was capable of.

I placed my hands on his chest, not really knowing what else to do, and kissed him back.

His other handed snaked around my hips and drew me closer before moving us further into the corner, my back against the wall.

My heart beat erratically, I'd never been this intimate in public, let alone with a man like Park Jimin.

I pulled away again, looking him in the eyes before using my hands to put some distance between us.

"We cant do this here," I said, "there's people everywhere."

"I know, I just had to do something, I couldn't stand the fact that you hated me for any longer than I needed to."

"I didn't hate you-"

"Yes you did, and it was my fault, I treated you terribly." He looked down before locking eyes with me.

"I know, you've apologized twice already." I giggled.

"Alright whatever," he laughed along with me, "but I do need to go, the meeting begins in twenty minutes."

"Ok, I'll see you later?" It came out more like a question as I untangled myself from his grasp.

"Of course, I'll be done at 3."

He looked at me tenderly before pressing another soft kiss on my lips.

Jimin stepped back from me and winked flirtatiously before walking towards the conference room.

I blushed at his forwardness and took a few moments in the isolated corner I was in to catch my breath and compose myself.

Well that was a rush.

Unable to stop the smile from spreading on my face, I used a hand to cover my mouth as I walked back to the elevators, trying my hardest to not look like a complete fool.

I reached the hotel room and looked around, housekeeping had tidied up.

"Less work for me,"  I said out loud, shrugging.

I flopped on the bed and turned on the TV, my boredom increasing with every passing minute.

My eyelids became heavier as I let myself succumb to my exhaustion.


"Seoyeon, Seoyeon," I heard a soft voice call to me.

I stirred, opening my eyes and blinking harshly, attempting to help my eyes become adjusted to the light.

Jimin was sitting on the bed next to me, smiling lightly.

I smiled back, "What time is it?" I asked, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"It's 5:38 PM,"

I almost choked, "I slept for that long?"

He laughed at my reaction, "Yea I guess you were tired, I came back at three but you looked so peaceful I didn't want to disturb you, so I did some paperwork until I got hungry."

"Oh you ate already?" I was unable to contain my disappointment.

I would've liked to eat too.

"Oh no, I figured you might be hungry too, so I decided to wake you up, and here we are." He laughed.

I smiled at his thoughtfulness and the idea that I would soon be eating.

"Well thank you, where are we going?"

"There's this nice sushi fusion place downstairs if you're interested," he suggested.

"I'm always interested in sushi," I joked, swinging my legs off the bed to sit next to Jimin.

"Perfect," he laughed with me, "I'll make the reservations and you get ready."

He got off the bed and made his way to his phone siting on his nightstand.

I followed his suggestion and picked out an outfit before making my way into the bathroom.

Hello my lovelies! I know it's been a hot minute since I last updated,,, please don't kill me. I had terrible writers block and I've been pretty stressed with school, but luckily the difficult stuff is behind me and I've found inspiration for this story again:)) so expect frequent updates!! Thank you for the love and support!

And 50k reads! Wow, I genuinely never thought this story would even get 10k, so seeing you guys enjoy my work so much makes me really happy and I'll strive even harder to create better chapters for you guys:))

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