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I SUDDENLY JOLTED AWAKE, noticing that it was my alarm that had pulled me from my peaceful slumber.

Glaring at the ceiling, I groaned in annoyance and stomped out of bed, turning off the shrill sound coming from my phone as I did so.

I sighed deeply and narrowed my eyes at my packed suitcase in front of me.

Letting my anger get the best of me, I swung my leg out to kick it.

I instantly regretted my decision when my toe came in contact with the hard metal lining of the suitcase.

Recoiling immediately, I hobbled away from it, cursing under my breath.

I limped my way towards the kitchen and yanked open a cabinet, pulling down some cereal for breakfast.

After finishing my meal, I quickly took a shower and began to apply my makeup.

I had just winged my eyeliner when my phone began ringing.

Furrowing my eyebrows in confusion, I whipped my head around trying to locate where it was.

Finally spotting it on my bed, I checked the caller ID.

incoming call from jimin

I let out an exasperated sigh and rolled my eyes before answering the call.

"What?" I snapped.

"Woah calm down kitten," I could practically hear him smirk, "I just called to say my driver will pick you up in five so be ready."

He didn't even give me a chance to respond before hanging up the call.

"Rude," I muttered under my breath.

Quickly pulling on some sweats and a matching jacket, I threw my hair up in a bun and grabbed my suitcase.

I had wanted to say my goodbyes to Namjoon, but he left early for work.

Just as I was about to write him a quick note, the doorbell rang.

I sighed, knowing it was Jimin's driver here to pick me up.

Looking sorrowfully at my warm bed, I reluctantly made my way to the door and opened it, spotting a middle aged man beaming down at me.

"Ah you must be Miss Seoyeon," he greeted, bowing slightly, "I'm Mr. Han, here, let me take your things."

My face flushed at his politeness and I shyly handed him my suitcase.

"Thank you," I said, my voice barely louder than a whisper.

"Oh it's no problem Miss," he replied, his smile not leaving his face.

"You don't have to call me that, Seoyeon is fine," I explained, as he loaded my things into the trunk of the car.

"Of course I do," Mr. Han said, walking towards me and opening up the back door, "unless I want to get fired."

My eyes widened in shock at his brazen statement, but I slipped into the car anyways, not wanting to waste any more of his time.

He started the car and began to drive off towards the airport.

The radio played quietly as I glanced out the window, the scenery of Seoul flashing by in a blur of greens and blues.

We arrived relatively quickly, but instead of turning into the main airport, Mr. Han took a smaller road to what appeared to be a private runway.

"Hey, where are we going?" I asked nervously, my eyes navigating the foreign terrain outside of the car.

"The plane," he answered, seeming confused at my naivety, "Did Mr. Park not explain?"

My apprehension quickly disappeared as the car approached a large private jet.

I rolled my eyes, "Of course it's a private plane, what else would it be?"

"Mr. Park doesn't like taking transportation with the rest of the public."

"Yea that makes sense," I muttered, my concern replaced with annoyance.

He parked the car and unloaded my luggage.

I reluctantly followed suit, stepping out of the car and onto the runway.

The staircase to the plane was down, and Mr. Han wasted no time climbing up them and disappearing into the cabin.

I sighed, stuffing my cold hands into the pockets of my jacket to warm them up before making my way into the plane.


Just a short, filler chapter today, sorry lol,,,but I've been writing a lot over spring break so expect some more frequent, lengthy updates coming soon:)

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