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AS I STEPPED INTO the plane, I was immediately met with warmth surrounding me.

I sighed in content, glad to have escaped the chilling cold outside.

But my joy was short lived, as I caught Jimin walking towards me from the corner of my eye.

Internalizing my distaste, I turned to look at him, an overly fake smile plastered on my face.

"Hey kitten, glad you could make it," he winked, leaning on a nearby chair, "make yourself comfortable."

Nodding my head in understanding, I brushed past him, trying to find a seat as far away from him as possible.

I finally settled into a spot that seemed somewhat secluded from the hustle and bustle near the cockpit and stewardess station.

Placing my neck pillow behind my head and wrapping my blanket around my body, I quickly dozed off, still tired from waking up so early.

I barely closed my eyes for very long when my sleep was interrupted by a deep voice.

"Ah there you are," I heard Jimin say before sitting down across from me.

I kept my eyes shut, hoping he would think I was sleeping and leave me alone.

But apparently that dream was unrealistic.

"I know you're awake kitten," I could practically hear his smirk as he taunted me, "you should probably buckle up you know, we're about to take off."

I knew I should fasten my seatbelt, but that meant letting Jimin win, and I was not about to do that.

"Hello passengers, as we will be experiencing turbulence, I ask that you fasten your seatbelts and keep them on until we have reached the cruising altitude. Thank you and enjoy your flight."

My heart rate sped up after the pilots announcement and proceeded to increase as I felt the plane move.

At first it was smooth, but then I felt a jolt, followed by another jolt, until the entire plane was shaking violently.

Though I was scared, I kept my eyes shut and held the armrests tightly under my blanket.

I thought I had everything under control until I felt myself slipping out of my seat.

I cursed myself when I realized that I was facing the opposite direction of the plane, so as it ascended, I slowly fell further out of my seat.

I squeezed my fingers around the armrests, desperately trying to hold on

Why didn't I just buckle up?

Why am I such an idiot?

I blame this on Jimin.

Eventually the angle of the plane forced me out of my seat and onto the floor in front of Jimin, my hands on his knees.

He quickly pulled me up and forced me to straddle his lap.

"Hey what the fu-," I started, trying to rip him off me.

"Shut up kitten, I'm trying to help you," he growled out, holding me tightly.

My heart raced against my chest, partly because that was the scariest experience of my life and partly because of how close Jimin and I were.

Strangely enough, he didn't seem to take this in a perverted direction as he usually does, instead, his arms felt warm and safe.

Ew what the fuck did I just say?

I pushed the thoughts away and clung onto Jimin as the plane continued to shake violently.

How is he not freaking out?

I snuck a glance at Jimin, his face was set in a stoney gaze.

He noticed me looking at him and offered a small smile in my direction, his eyes turning soft.

Ok what kind of alternative universe am I in right now?

Jimin, not acting like a douchebag?

My confusion was interrupted by the plane coming to sudden halt before it stopped shaking entirely.

I looked around, slightly pushing myself off Jimin.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly, rubbing my arm.

"Y-yea," I blushed, realizing our intimate position.

I quickly removed myself from his arms and sank back into my chair across from him, attempting to slow my beating heart.

"You know if you wanted to sit on my lap, all you had to do was ask," he winked at me, crossing his legs.

I rolled my eyes, and there's the Jimin I know.

"Just shut up and leave me alone," I retorted, fixing my neck pillow and blanket, "wake me when we get there."

Another short chapter, sorry guys. Only like 5 of you actually read this so I guess it's not that big of a deal lol. Anyway, have a nice day:)

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