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I WAS JOLTED AWAKE by the movement of the plane.

I noticed Jimin was staring at me intently, but he quickly glanced to his right once he caught me looking at him.

"We're here," he joked, his eyes on me again.

"Yea I noticed," I retorted, moving in my seat and trying to locate my phone.

"Looking for this?" His voice pulled me from my search and towards my cell phone in his hand.

"How the hell did you get that?" I asked, my temper about to explode.

"It fell to the floor while you were sleeping," he answered nonchalantly, observing my phone in his hand, "who's Namjoon?"

He quirked a brow at me expectantly, clearly wanting a reaction.

I glared at him, focusing all of my anger into my stare, as if it would do anything.

"Your boyfriend perhaps?" He teased, a smirk playing at his lips.

"I don't see how it's any of your business," I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest and looking away from him.

"Trust me kitten, it is," he said, before unlatching his seatbelt and tossing my phone in my lap.

He paused, as if waiting for a thank you.

I simply ignored his presence and proceeded to collect my things and prepare to leave the plane.

When I looked back up to where he was standing, he was gone.

I let out a long sigh of exasperation, I hadn't even left the plane yet and I was already over this entire trip.

Shaking my head at my situation, I grabbed my things and walked to the plane's exit.

The pilot smiled warmly at me just before I descended down the stairs towards the concrete runway below.

I stood in the doorway for a moment, admiring the view. It really was beautiful here, the expansive buildings and architecture of Tokyo jutted upwards to meet the beautiful blue sky and clouds that were scattered about the atmosphere.

However, the picturesque view did little to make up for the frigid winds currently whipping my hair in my face.

I quickly grabbed my blanket and wrapped it tightly around my shivering body, thanking my lucky stars that I had been smart enough to bring it.

Just as I was halfway down the steps I noticed Jimin leaned up against a black Escalade as he played with his phone.

He didn't notice me staring as he ran a hand through his brown hair and poked his tongue out to lick his lips as he narrowed his eyes at his phone in concentration.

Unfortunately my infatuation was short lived, because when my eyes gravitated to his lips instead of the stairs under me, my foot began to slip.

My heart rate spiked as I lost my balance and felt my heel skim past the edge of the step towards the one below it.

Luckily, I grabbed the handrail quickly enough to control my fall and prevent any further injury or embarrassment.

The scuffle didn't result in anything serious, thank god,  but it did get Jimin's attention.

He smirked up at me over his phone before tucking it into his back pocket.

"You okay there kitten?" He slowly walked to the stairs and met me at the bottom, "Do you want to hold my hand?"

I glanced down at his outstretched palm and scoffed, "Yea nice try, the only time I would willingly touch you is if I was strangling you to death."

"Oh so you're into choking? Kinky." He winked at me.

I felt my face start to burn so I shoved past him and walked to the awaiting Escalade, hearing his laughter behind me.

As I walked closer to the car, the driver's door opened to reveal Mr. Han, who stepped out of the vehicle to hold open the door for me.

"Oh hello again Mr. Han," I greeted warmly, "thank you."

"It's my pleasure Miss Seoyeon," he returned my smile and then looked to Jimin, "Mr. Park, are you joining us?"

Jimin didn't reply and instead made his way to the car, Mr. Han still holding the door open for him.

He was walking to the side I was currently sitting on and paused in front of me.

"I suggest you scoot over, unless you want to sit on my lap." He teased, smirking up at me.

I rolled my eyes at his comment and moved to the other side.

"I would rather slap you," I retorted as he slid into the seat I was previously sitting in.

"So you really are a sadist," he commented, sending a sideways glance my direction.

"You disgust me," I practically spat at him.

"I can guarantee that you won't be saying that by the end of this trip kitten,"

"And I can guarantee I will be saying it long after this trip,"

"We'll see about that," his lips pulled up into a knowing smile, like he was aware of the subconscious effect he had on me.

My cheeks flared red again, partly because of my frustration, and I turned away from him  and pretended to look out the window.

"Ok you two, buckle up," Mr. Han called to us from the drivers seat, glancing back through the rear view mirror.

I followed his instructions and clicked my seatbelt into place, not keen on repeating the events in the plane.

The car pulled away from the plane and I kept my eyes locked on the view from the window, watching the airport become smaller and smaller until it disappeared into oblivion.

Hope you guys are having a nice day! I've been marathoning star wars:))

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