Chapter 1 ✔️

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"Morning Mr. Chen! " You yelled from the basement of the arcade you currently live in.

Your parents divorced and left you to be alone 8 years ago.

You were always really close with Mr. Chen. You'd go to his arcade when your parents would fight.

When your father would come home drunk and abuse you, Mr. Chen would always be there to comfort you and clean you up.

When your mother would yell at you, Mr. Chen would always be there to talk about it and give you some candy to cheer you up.

He was like the father you've always wanted, but never got to have.

So he let you live in the basement of the arcade he owned and that's where you live now.

Considering you live in an arcade, you can play all of the games in your sleep. You've discovered the secrets to the claw machines and got the high score on every game.

You loved your life.

Even though you were parentless, friendless, and peopleless to say the least. You had Mr. Chen. And your cat. Your fat, fluffy, brown cat, named Luka.

You were never the social type. You were pretty reserved. You aren't quick to trust people and you spend almost all of your time at the arcade.

When you were 17 however, you met someone. Someone who you thought you could trust. Someone who you gave everything to. But it was all a mistake.

He would abuse you just like your father.

He would yell at you just like your mother.

He'd get drunk and accuse you of the worst.

He put you through hell.

You'd cry yourself to sleep every night.

You'd add to the many scars and burns he gave you.

But you couldn't escape him.

Because he threatened to hurt your younger sister.

Yes, you weren't an only child.

But you weren't the favorite child either.

When your parents divorced, your mother took her. And left you to be homeless on a street. For they thought you were worthless.

They thought you weren't as good as your younger sister.

That you weren't as pretty.

Not as.. Lovable.

So you couldn't leave him.

And you started to hate him.

You hated him for making you feel this way.

You didn't deserve this.

You made yourself believe that there was no way out for too long.

You would end this.

So one day, you told Mr. Chen everything.

He, of course, already had an idea of what was happening and agreed to help you get out of it.

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