Chapter 13 ✔️

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With that you left in the Uber to go pick up your nightmare of a sister from the airport.


You found yourself sprinting to gate 7 trying not to be late. It was harder than it looked getting to an airport on time.

You knew if you were late she'd never let you forget it.

"I'm...Here...Dara...." You wheezed out in between breaths.

She rolled her eyes at you bending over catching your breath."You look pathetic. Get up."

With the remaining strength you had, you stood strait and looked your younger sister in the eyes.

"Long time no see Dara...Can we go now?" You said still a little light headed.

"Yes we can go now.."She said walking off.

"Wait you forgot your bags!" You yelled grabbing them and walking up to her.

She smirked. "Well thank you so much for carrying them!"

You groaned."Only because I'm a better person than you will I actually do this for you."

She just snickered.


"One...More...Step..."You cried out.

"Oh stop complaining the Uber was just outside the airport."Dara claimed.

"Yes but your gate was on the other side of the airport!" You groaned. "And you made me carry all of your bags! If you would have just helped me then we probably would've gotten here faster!!"

"Oh shut up.."Dara laughed.

"Ok! That's it! I'm done! We are going to get somethings straight alright? While your here, you follow my rules. You will listen to me. You will not disrespect me when have I so kindly invited you to stay at my place. And you will not talk back to me or I swear I will send you right back to where you came from. And I'm not talking about Japan.." You growled.

*A/N*(Your sister and mother moved to Japan when they left you but they still know fluent Korean)

She was obviously taken back by your words. Probably because no one has ever talked to her that way considering her life style.

She just scoffed but grabbed a very small and light weight bag.

"That's a start..." You mumbled.

Finally, you got everything in the car and started heading back to the arcade.

"So Y/n.. You still live in that arcade? With that really creepy old guy?" Dara asked.

Your jaw clenched. She knew exactly the right words that could tick you off in a second. "Yes I still live there but Mr. Chen isn't a creepy old guy!"

"Ok ok fine! Geeze!" Dara explained.

"Just sit in silence hm?" You demanded more than asked.

She just sighed.

Eventually, you found yourself hauling everything of hers except for that poor excuse of a bag into the arcade.


Your breath hitched when you made eye contact with a smirking John at the counter. You quickly looked away and opened the arcade door.

How am I gonna get this down there??

"Need some help?" A familiar voice called.

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