Chapter 17 ✔️

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*Taehyung's P.O.V.*

I'm so stupid.... Why did I say that??... She probably doesn't like me anymore..

I just left the arcade and I'm on my way to the dance studio to meet up with the boys. But I think I made a huge mistake.

After I told Y/n that I loved her, she froze. I knew that she wasn't going to say it back but now she might think I'm going to fast.

I just thought that I should tell her how I feel but it was too sudden. I really messed up.

I pressed up the gas out of anger and accidentally ran a red light.


I heard the sirens and saw the red and blue. I sighed as I new I was getting pulled over.

I've never been pulled over before.. This is all new to me..

"Good evening sir, do you know why I pulled you over sir?"

"I was speeding.."

"That's right sir now could I please see some ID and a drivers license."

"Of course."

I got out my ID and drivers license to give to the officer and he left to go to his car.

I'm gonna be late...

I got out my phone and called Jin Hyung.

*On the phone*

J- Hello?
T- Hey.. Uh.. I'm gonna be a little late tonight..
J- Why? Did something happen?
T- No just traffic.. But tell the boys ok?
J- Ok.... Bye.
T- Bye.

*End of phone call*

I knew it wasn't right but I couldn't tell him I was pulled over. At least not right before a meeting.

I couldn't have an angry Jin sending me death glares for half the time. I will tell him later.

The officer came back with my things and gave me a warning.

I thanked him and drove to the studio. Going the speed limit of course..

On my way there I thought I saw... Dara?

She was walking down the sidewalk with a guy.

But who..?

I slowed down a bit to get a better look.

It was... Jae??

Y/n had showed me a picture of him but Dara doesn't know what he looks like! Let alone that he's dangerous!

I have to call Y/n.

*On the phone*

T- Y/n? Hello?
Y- Hey..
T- Y/n look, I'm sorry about what I said.. But I need you to listen to me right now..
Y- It's ok.. But what's going on?
T- Dara is with Jae.
Y- WHAT??!
T- She's walking down the sidewalk with him. He's putting a hand over her shoulder.
Y- Dara doesn't know Jae!! She doesn't know about him!!
T- I know. That's why I'm telling you this. Call Dara and tell her to come home.
Y- Thank you so much Tae..
T- Anytime.. Be careful Y/n..
Y- I will.. Goodbye..
T- Goodbye..

*End of phone call*

I got to the studio worried for Y/n. But I had to shake it off until after the meeting.

I walked in and hurried to the room.

Finally, I made it. This meeting might change my life and I couldn't be late.

*Normal P.O.V.*

You just got a call from Taehyung saying that Dara was with Jae.. You had to get her back before he tried anything.

The whole point of her coming here was so I could keep her safe from Jae..

How did he get to her first..?

*On the phone*

Y- Dara where are you?
D- I'm on the sidewalk.. Why?
Y- Are you with anyone?
D- Yes I actually met this guy-
Y- Come home right now.
D- What?
Y- You heard me. Come home right now.
D- No! You can't tell me what to do!
Y- Dara listen to me.. I uh.. I'll take you to see that band tomorrow if you come home right now.
D- .... *Sigh* I'm on my way..
Y- Thank you.. Thank you..
D- Bye weirdo.
Y- B-

*End of phone call*

Wow.. Can't even let me finish a single word..

You went outside and tapped your foot impatiently. It started to rain and you didn't have a coat.

You'd have to go back in.

Sighing, you stepped back inside and waiting whilst looking out of the window.

Where are you...

Finally, you heard the door open. Indicating that someone was here.

It was Dara!!

But someone followed her in.



A/N: Omg stress. Also THANK YOU SO MUCH PPLZZZ!!

I couldn't have done this without you!! I appreciate everyone who has read my story and read this far!! Hope you enjoy the chapters to come! To be continued my loves

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I couldn't have done this without you!! I appreciate everyone who has read my story and read this far!! Hope you enjoy the chapters to come! To be continued my loves.
- Grace

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