Chapter 26 ✔️

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*Taehyung's P.O.V.*

Today Y/n is being discharged. I can't even explain how happy I am to be with her again. To hear her voice and laughter. See her smile. Kiss her lips. Everything about her, I missed so much.

I had told my father everything, for I didn't the whole 2 years since I met her. He understood and was proud of me. My father, proud of me. I smiled at the thought.

I still hadn't told the boys yet, I don't know how they'll take it. That night when I came back 2 years ago, was hell for them. I cussed everyone out and threw everything everywhere. I wouldn't stop sobbing and angrily punching things. They eventually got me to stop, but they probably think that Y/n was the problem. But she wasn't, I was.

I chose to trash the place. I chose to cuss them out. I chose to scream until I couldn't breath. She didn't tell me to do these things, therefore it isn't her fault.

I just hope that they will understand..

I walked into the apartment and was greeted by everyone who was sitting on the couch. They were all watching a movie but when I came in they paused it to talk.

"What's up Hyung? Where did you go?" Jungkook asked.

"Yea you've been gone a lot lately.. Is there something you want to tell us?" Jin added.

Everyone gave me curious looks as I sat down. "Well.. You see.. I've been going to the hospital."

"THE HOSPITAL??! ARE YOU SICK??" Hoseok yelled in terror.

Suddenly, the room was filled with questions and I shook my head. "STOP! No I'm not sick so let me finish."

My shout caught them off guard and they immediately shut up.

I sighed. "You remember when my father was talking? About Y/n?"

"Yea but what does that ha- Wait. Don't tell me." Namjoon started.

I nodded while looking down. I was ready for their judgments. But they never came. Instead, I got what I least expected.

"I'm proud of you."

"Good for you. How is she?"

"I'm glad you went back to her."

"Do you still love her? Does she love you?"

My eyes widened in shock as I was hearing their calm responses. But I quickly put a smile on my face as I truly realized that they really were my family. Because family supports you with whatever you do. And that's exactly what was happening.

"She's getting discharged today. She's doing pretty good. And... Yes I still love her..-"

"Does she love you back???" Hoseok said smiling like an idiot and bounding his leg up and down in anticipation.

I chuckled at his reaction and nodded. "Y/n loves me.. She forgave me.."

Somehow tears came to my eyes without permission. But they weren't tears of sadness, but happiness. Relief almost.

This immediately caught their attention and they all huddled around me giving me comforting pats.

"Aww you both really are perfect for each other.. I'm gonna cry!!" Jimin said wiping fake tears from his eyes.

I playfully shoved him as I wiped my real tears. But Jin's stern voice caught my attention.

"Taehyung. What are you doing?"

I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "What?"

"What are you doing? Here?"

I blinked and the room fell silent. "Jin what do you mean?"


I was taken aback but after 2 seconds everyone burst out laughing. Jin gave everyone a confused look but we all just shook our heads. I then stood up.

"You're right. I'm going to go. Thank you all for understanding!" I waved them goodbye.

"Goodbye! Good luck Hyung!" Said Jungkook smiling.

I smiled back and closed the door behind me. Closing the door to my car, I drove to the hospital. She wasn't supposed to get out for another hour so we could just hang out until then.

Walking in the hospital, I see Y/n in the cafe with a little boy who looked around the age of 5, attached to her leg. She smiled looking at him and knelt down so she was at face level with him. I walked a bit closer to hear their conversation.

"Now, what's up little buddy?" She smiled.

He sniffed. "I don't want you to go.."

"Awe.. Well don't worry.. I'll come and visit you ok? I promise!" She said holding out her pinky.

He took his own pinky and intertwined it with her until he started crying again. She pulled him into a hug and rubbed the back of his hair for comfort. He eventually calmed down and they both sat on the couch now.

"Where will you go?" He asked playing with her hair that was going down her shoulders. Twisting it and messing it up.

"I'm not sure.. But I'll find somewhere! Don't you worry about me!" She chimed caressing his left cheek.

"Will you get hurt again..?" He asked with a quivering lip.

Her eyes widened at his words. "What do you-"

"I see the boo boos on your arms when you hug me.. I don't want you to get hurt again..." He said hugging her.

My heart was touched by his love for
Y/n. He truly cared about her and was genuinely worried about her. And he was only 5! I listened again.

She hugged him back immediately. "I won't get hurt again.. I promise.. Don't worry about me.. I'll be ok! You wanna know why?"

He pulled away and nodded as I leaned in closer to hear.

She smiled and pointed at me. "Because he's with me."

My eyes widened as the boy and her looked my way. How did she know I was here?? I suddenly found myself smiling as I finally processed what she had said and walked over to them. I sat next to the boy so he was in the middle of Y/n and I.

He turned his attention to me. "So you'll take care of her? And make sure she doesn't get any more boo boos?"

I chuckled lightly and patted his head softly. "I will take care of our Y/n. Don't you worry."

I then looked at Y/n who was smiling softly at me. But the boy interrupted our moment.

"You PROMISE?! That you'll never hurt her!? And you'll make her feel like the most loved person in the world?! For me?!" He practically demanded.

Y/n and I were shocked by his statement but I smiled at him. "I will make her feel like she's the most loved person in the whole universe! And I will never hurt her! I promise." I held out my pinky just as Y/n had done earlier and he did the same.

We talked for a while longer before it was time for Y/n to be discharged. It took a while to pry the child off of Y/n, but when we did she shed a tear. I hugged her to make sure she was ok and she just giggled at my reaction.

We both got into the car and I nervously spoke up. "So Y/n... I was wondering if... Well.. I have a question for you."

"What is it?" She asked furrowing her eyebrows at me.

I took a deep breath. "Will you move in with me..?"

A/N: To be continued my loves.
- Grace

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