Chapter 16 ✔️

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"Hey get back here!" You said chasing after him around the arcade.

Today is gonna be a long day..


"Y/n!" You heard Dara calling your name from downstairs. "Y/n! Help me! There's a monster down here!"

You and Taehyung started cracking up as you both realized she could only be talking about Luka.

You got up from the game you were at and went to the door.

When you opened it and big brown fur ball came right at your face causing you to fall back.

"Luka!!" You laughed and he held on to you so tight you thought he might suffocate you. "Did she scare you? Did mean Dara scare you?"

"Did I scare him!! No!! He scared me!! What kind of animal is that??" She yelled coming out from the basement.

You couldn't hold in your laughter as Luka ran across the arcade and straight towards Taehyung.

He jumped on him making him too fall back.

"He's a cat Dara. Have you never seen a cat before?" You chuckled standing up.

You walked over to Dara and saw that she was really terrified. You felt bad and being the great sister you are, you pulled her into a hug.

"It's ok Dara he won't hurt you. Unless you touch his food." You giggled at the last part.

She actually hugged you back and you were shocked. You looked over at Taehyung who was now walking over to you with Luka wrapped around his neck.

"What do I do?" You mouthed to Taehyung but he only laughed and put Luka back downstairs.

Dara must have realized what she was doing and she quickly let go of you. "Uh I'm gonna go to the mall. See you later!"

You sighed. "Fine but be careful! Come back when your finished! Or text me!"

"Ok mom!" She yelled back.

You shook your head and went back to a smiling Taehyung. "Helloo.."

"Helloo.." He responded giving you a gentle but passionate kiss.

You smiled as you pulled away. "So.. Where do you need to go tonight."

He suddenly looked a bit sad and pulled away. "I have to go to an interview with my boys. Since ya know, we kind of debuted not to long ago."

Your eyes widened. You had completely forgot about that. "Oh my god! I forgot about that! I'm so sorry! Congratulations!! Don't look so sad this is gonna be great for you!"

He chuckled at your excitement. "Yes it's great but.. Once we really get going... I don't know if I'll have enough time to really be there for you.. I won't be able to be the boyfriend you deserve.."

You too now looked saddened. "Taehyung looked at me." He did. "No matter what happens, just know that I'm with you ok? Know that I support you all the way! If we need to take a break sometime in the future.. It's gonna be ok... But if we really and truly love each other.. Then we'll find a way."

A tear ran down his cheek at your last statement and you quickly wiped it away and kissed him again.

This time he held your neck and you turned your head to deepen the kiss.

You ran your fingers through his hair as his left hand got ahold of your waist.

You released for air and you both smiled. Your heads now connected as you were breathing heavily.

"Y/n... I love you.."

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