Chapter 14 ✔️

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"Need help?" A familiar voice called out.

You turned around to see...Taehyung?

"Taehyung! What are you doing here?" You asked putting bags down.

He laughed. "Well I just found out that I'm gonna be busy tonight so I wanted to hang out before! But you look like you need some help.."

He grabbed 3 bags and went downstairs like they weighed nothing.

That...He...How...Taehyung...I'm losing my mind...

You got startled out of your daze when you saw a dark figure walk downstairs. It was bigger than you so it wasn't Dara.


You ran down half the stairs before coming in contact with the back of someone.

"John!" You whisper yelled.

"Yes?" He responded.

You could sense his smirk in the dark.

"What are you doing?" You asked pulling him back up the stairs.

"Am I not allowed to go down there anymore? That's not what you said last night..." He said the last part a little louder as Taehyung approached the stairs.

He gave you a concerned look at his words.

"What's he talking about Y/n?" He asked coming up the stairs.

You weren't scared of anything because nothing happened. "Well he came downstairs to talk to me.. Nothing happened.."

Taehyung nodded in understand but John decided to make it worse. "You mean that kiss was nothing?"

You and Taehyung both gasped.

"You know you kissed me you jerk! Stop making it look like you're the victim here!" You yelled pulling him up the stairs by his ear.

"Oow stoopp!! He tried to pry your hands off but you were stronger than you looked when you were mad.

You got to the top of the stairs and let go of him. "What do you have to say for yourself? How dare you touch her!" Taehyung yelled getting angry.

I've never seen him angry before...And he gets mad...

"Taehyung calm down.." You tried to grab his shoulder but moved out of the way and towards John.

"Calm down tiger I'm just stating facts!" John said smirking. "She asked me to come downstairs.."

*A/N*(Remember how I told you that you told Taehyung everything? Wellll maybe not everything...)

"Is that true?" He asked placing his attention back on you.

You stood confidently and you weren't going to let John break you. "I only asked him to come downstairs because he was upset. My only intentions were to talk about things. And he kissed me!"

Taehyung sighed.

Doesn't he believe me...

John smirked thinking he won.. But little did he know...

Aaaaand John is on the ground.

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