Chapter 21 ✔️

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*Dara's P.O.V.*

It's been 2 years since I've seen my sister. Since I've Mr. Chen. Luka. I see Taehyung on T.V sometimes and he seems to be doing pretty well. I wonder why..

I don't know where Y/n is. I do know that Mr. Chen is still at the arcade taking care of Luka. But I don't know how they are doing. I went back to Japan. I went back after a month of staying at that stupid hotel. I couldn't take it anymore. I had searched for her many times and even called the cops but nothing ever worked. I hate myself for giving up on Y/n. But I know that she is strong and will somehow find her way back. And I'll be waiting until that day.

*Taehyung's P.O.V.*

I haven't seen her in 2 years. I would go to the arcade sometimes to see if she was there, but Mr. Chen always told me that she wasn't there. The first two months I searched for her. Yes, I was still angry. But I couldn't let a person get harmed just because I was angry. I had to give up when the boys and I had to work full time and really pursue our dream. She really played me and I sometimes don't know why I still worry. But I always just wonder where she is now.

*John's P.O.V.*

I haven't seen Y/n in 2 years. I don't know where she is. But I don't care anymore. I've lost all of my feelings towards her considering that she would just leave all of the sudden without saying goodbye. She didn't even say goodbye to Mr. Chen and she left Luka! I sometimes wonder if she died. Yes, I would feel pretty bad. But she decided to leave, so I won't feel pity for her.

*Mr. Chen's P.O.V.*

It's been 2 years already. No texts or calls, nothing. But I know what happened. Jae. She was with him. And I know why she wasn't coming back. She didn't want anyone to get her. Oh my Y/n with her selfless acts. Why did it have to be her.. I tried looking for her for months, but I know Jae. I know I'd never find where he was hiding her. So I gave up. I gave up on looking for her. But I didn't give up on her. I know she'll come back one day. I know that one day she'll realize just how strong she is and how she deserves so much better. How she can fight through this and finally be free from that bastard. I'm taking care of Luka for her, I know she'd want to see her cat alive and well when she comes back. I'm waiting for her.

*Jae's P.O.V.*

It's been two years. She's still with me. She must've fallen for me or else she would've tried to escape. Yup. That's right. She hasn't even tried to escape. Not even once. But, she doesn't return my kisses unless I threaten her. It's a work in progress. She will love me. Even if I lose my temper sometimes and beat her, she'll learn to love me. She'll learn to be ok with making me my meals and taking care of my needy self when I want things. She'll come around. I know she will.

*Normal P.O.V.*

(By the way I'm changing the P.O.V. to I instead of you because it's just easier to write for me. But remember that I is still you.)

I've been with Jae for 2 years now. It's been hell. He'd beat me every day and then force 'you know what' on me every other night. I have to cook for him. Breakfast. Lunch. Dinner. Every day. I do the laundry. I wash the dishes. I clean the house. I'm his slave. And I'm not doing anything about it. I hate myself for being so weak. But it's not like I have a choice. It's either listen to what he says, or suffer. Even though he makes me suffer anyway. But he'd make me suffer more. I haven't tried to escape because I know I won't be able to. I've just completely given up. But I know it's wrong. I harm myself almost every night when he's sleeping. I used to cry myself to sleep but I know that won't do any good because then the day will just be harder. The nights when he doesn't want it are the good nights. When I can actually sleep. He constantly kisses me and I don't return them unless he threatens me. I don't love him. I never will. He treats me like crap. Therefor, I shall never return his disgusting feelings towards me.

But this past week, he's been beating me harder. Pushing me down for no reason, forcing it every night. Sometimes during the day. Breaking things and yelling at me. I need to escape. Now. Yes I know, your probably saying. "Really? You think of this now??" And your right. But I needed to form a plan before actually trying to get free from him. He's smart. But so am I. I've been making a plan for the past 2 years. Getting information on Jae that I can show to the authorities once I'm out and keeping them hidden somewhere he will never find them. Mapping out all of the places of his workers and figuring out how to avoid them. I've had 2 years to come up with a plan. 2 Years to get as much as I could on Jae.

Today is the day I make my escape and rid myself of Jae.

A/N: *Insert Mission Impossible Theme Song* Jk. Maybe. Just a short chapter to sum up everyone's feelings. Now into the actioooon. To be continued my loves.
- Grace

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