Chapter eleven

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Tris POV:

Caesar Flickerman starts with district one. Katniss Everdeen seems nervous too. If i had to choose someone to ally with i would choose her. She is so pretty and so smart. She's in my maths class, she gets every answer right. I wish i was like her. Next up is Peeta Mellark. "So Peeta, have you got a special someone in district one?" He asks him.

"Unfortunately not no." The audience is amazed by this statement.

"How could anyone not like that face? So i guess the question now is; is there anyone you like?" Peeta seems to stool for a second.

"Yes there is. The only thing is they came here with me." The audience seem unhappy. The rest of the interviews fly by and soon its our turn. Each tribute is saying something horrible about the games. It's clear no one wants it to happen. "From district 12, we know her as the ice queen. It's Tris Prior!" Caesar Flickerman shouts and the crowd goes wild. "So Tris you made a very dramatic entrance to the opening ceremony." My brain freezes. What's he talking about? Why am I here? And then i remember, its the Death Games, I'm going to die soon and he's talking about the opening ceremony. "Oh the opening ceremony!"

"Someone appears to be nervous. What was going through you're head when the ice appeared on your dress?"

"I was hoping i wouldn't freeze to death. I'm wearing them today, would you like to see?" The crowd cheers but Caesar doesn't look to happy. "Are you sure its safe?" He asks concerned for his own safety. I nod my head. I start twirling and shards of ice start appearing. The more i twirl, the more the shards appear. The audiences clapping and cheering gets louder and louder. The buzzer sounds which means my interview is over. Four is the last person to be interviewed. His interview is quick. If you blinked you'd probably have missed it. He comes over and joins me. Seneca Crane starts talking about the games and how much they mean to him. All the tributes from each district are waiting together for the show to end. The tributes didn't want this games to happen so we have to show unity. I hold Gale's from district 11's hand and use eye contact to make him hold the tribute next to him's hand. It works. Soon all tributes are holding hands. Even Katniss Everdeen. We all raise our entwined hands in the air. The audience claps. Lights go out and i know I've made an impact. We, as tributes, have shown unity, togetherness. Hopefully it will stop the games. Deep down i have a feeling it won't. President Snow wants these games no matter what. It's the only thing that entertains him, watching people die a gruesome death. Each dying in minutes. That's the only thing that pleases him; death. He enjoys the pain of the families left behind, the pain of the friends, the pain of the districts and the pain to the tribute. Death is his only pleasure.

We go into the games tomorrow which means I'm probably never going to see Four again. He started talking to me before the interviews. He said that he was sorry for how he behaved. I was so glad to have him back that i forgot to answer him. Effie brings me out of my day dream. "Boys and Tris, we need to talk." Haymitch and Four don't object. "Tris has got her silver pin, I've got my hair. You two need tokens. So I've got you two something special. Haymitch you have a silver pendant. Four you have a silver bracelet. I'm so sorry that this has happend to both of you. I wish it could have been different." A tear rolls down my cheek because i know Effie really means this. "Thank you Effie. This is really nice of you." Four says, also upset. Haymitch just sits there, showing no expression. I cant hide my emotions well because Effie notices. "Oh Tris. I'm so sorry! I know this is hard on you and Four." I don't know why but this makes me angry.

"You don't know anything. You haven't been in my position. You're just a Capitol woman that needed a job. And you don't have anyone to love like i do! You will never know what this feels like!" I storm out and go to my room. "Tris! Tris! That's not fair on her!" Four says as I run out. I know i weren't fair but what was i supposed to do? I couldn't just sit there and let her say things like that, without saying something. At least what i was saying was true and not made up stuff that she uses. I will apologise to her later, what i said to her was harsh and horrible but this is what the games do to you; they tear you down and rip you apart. Hope is the only thing stronger than pain.

I hear a door opening and expect it to be Four. "If you came to give me a lecture, you're wasting your time. I'll apologise to Effie later." I wait for an answer but it doesn't come. I turn around and see that Haymitch is there in Four's place. "I didn't plan in giving you a lecture." I'm stunned at how nice Haymitch is being to me "You should apologise to Effie but you're right. She doesn't know what its like to be in your position, Tris." A tear rolls down my face. He got right to the point and caught my heart. "Why are you being so nice to me?" I ask as i wipe the rainfall of tears from my face. "I know what its like to be in your position. Not knowing if you're gonna survive. Let me tell you this Tris. No one wins the games, they are only survivors."

Word Count: 996

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