Falling To Pieces

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This is just angst lmao

The channel was falling to the ground.

It was falling hard, debris landing everything and shards and pieces of betrayal of hurt littered all the garbage and ruins of the joined Channel.

It was falling to pieces, and only one of the duo noticed.

"Colby we have to get a video out for Sunday." The blonde spoke, watching his best friend of several years grab his wallet and phone, multiple things that he needed to go out.

"And we will, don't worry about it. I'm just going out with Brennen right now, alright?" The other blue eyed boy spoke, giving Sam a reassuring look that the smaller of the two didn't find reassuring at all.

"Can we please just film something right now? Or let me go with you and we could just like, have a vlog, Colby we have nothing else for Sunday."

"No, Sam, I'm sorry but im gonna hang out with Brennen tonight." Colby Said back— almost snapping out at the boy who he had a close relationship with.

Though that seemed to be falling apart as well.

It had only been recently when Sam had noticed the drastic change. He had noticed when his brunette friend kept blowing him off to go hang out with brennen. When he began to make up excuses to not film a simple video, when he started making up excuses to not hang out with Sam.

And at first the boy didn't care, he didn't let it get to him. He didn't let the fact that he was slowly losing his best friend to somebody else, get to him. And that's because he hadn't noticed. He didn't want to notice, he told himself it was okay. Colby was allowed to have other friends, they'd been best friends for nearly several years, they didn't have to spend every day together.

But when that reality came true, when they stopped hanging out with each other nearly everyday, Sam finally noticed their bond was falling apart.

"You always hang out with Brennen." Sam spoke, he didn't mean for it to sound like he was angry, or annoyed, or irritated. But truth was, that he was more than that. He wasn't any of those, he was just confused. He was confused on how he could be losing his best friend, the person he's been through with everything.

And he didn't want this to turn into an argument, he didn't want to make it seem like he didn't like Colby hanging out with somebody else. Sam wanted nothing more than just reassurance that everything was going to be fine, everything was normal.

But it wasn't, it was falling apart. And Sam knew it.

"Jesse Christ, Sam I can have other friends!" Colby now spat out, glaring at the blonde standing in the middle of his room whilst crossing his arms.

Irritation filled his body whilst a fiery feeling overwhelmed in his chest. Hed been getting angry lately, he was becoming a hot head towards the person he trusted most and he didn't know why. All he wanted to do was hang out with Brennen, the only person he wanted to see at the moment was brennen. And he didn't realize just how much it effected Sam. He didn't realize how much it hurt he boy every time he walked out of that door with no good bye or anything, just a simple explanation that he was going out with Brennen.

He didn't realize how he was making his best friend feel like he wasn't the important one in Colbys life anymore. But god forbid, Colby would never let that happen.

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