Chapter 12: The Traitor

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~Zira P.O.V~

I impatiently returned to my old office after discovering nothing during the few hours I had been investigating.  I had some leads, but unfortunately they turned up empty. I slammed my hand down on my desk with such force, I snapped the edge off. I ignored the splinters that lodged into my skin as I tried to calm myself down. I was already starting to weaken from maintaining the shield around the territory, so I knew it wouldn't be wise to set my office ablaze.

'Zira, Aeryn's awake.' Said Sebastian through the mind-link.

'How is she?'

'She seems like she's almost fully healed. She should be okay by tomorrow.'

'That's good. Keep me updated.' I replied before severing the link.

I could only imagine how she felt upon waking up to find her mate. I had been in a similar situation when I met mine.

I wish he was here.

My emotions threatened to break through the wall I held them behind, but I quickly repressed the memories. My thoughts were interrupted when Gage walked in.

"I found out absolutely nothing. I even tracked down the wolf who put the blindfold on Aeryn, but she was just as clueless. Apparently, she hadn't made contact with it long enough to feel the effects of the silver fibers." said Gage, while frowning in dissatisfaction.

At this point, I was close to losing hope of discovering who was behind this. I could sense there was something amiss even before Regis died, but I was unable to find the cause. I closed my eyes in irritation and placed my hand on the bridge of my nose.

"It's alright. You couldn't have prevented this." Said the tiger as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Maybe not, but I must stop it once and for all." I growled while looking into his eyes.

We sat down and proceeded to try to come up with ideas about what happened, but we were just as clueless as when we started. We only hoped that the others would be more successful than we had.

"That's what I mean, it-"

Gage was interrupted by Isla and Cyrene storming into the room.

"Zira, we finally figured it out!" said the lynx.

I rose from my chair in anticipation, waiting for what she was about to say.

"It's all connected. The vampire attacks in werewolf territory, Regis's death, and the sabotage on Aeryn today." Cyrene added.

"Don't leave us in anticipation! Tell us!" said Gage.

"It's Malik. He's orchestrated all of it. He's working for the vampire king." Isla replied.

I let out a deadly growl as I held my cat at bay. Malik was one of the Nine. He was on the Council, and that made his treason an even greater crime.

"We have to get him. Now." I said.

We made a quick plan of attack before walking outside.

"Um. Is there anything else I can do? You know not much of a fighter." Cyrene said shyly.

The snow leopard shifter had been born blind, although she could navigate the world around her thanks to enhanced senses and her ability to pass through solid objects. Unfortunately, she never mastered combat.

"I'll mind-link you if we have any trouble, but for now, you can go back home."

She nodded before shifting and running into the forest.

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