lucie talk to me now
read at 11.07
lucie jones
read at 11.09
this is ridiculousluce💋:
you think this is ridiculous
you're out in London hanging out with Tom and saying that he's a fabulous person and you think I'm ridiculousgabbs👼🏼:
i didn't think it would mean that muchluce💋:
that hurts gab
that fact you didn't even think it would
affect me shows what kind of friend you are
this may not be a big deal to you but i would never dream of doing this to you in a million yearsgabbs👼🏼:
but you'd happily be out here blasting me all over Twitter
i'm getting so much hate for thisluce💋:
i'm sorry they're giving you hate
but gab you shouldn't of posted that you were with tom
if you'd of text me in advance we could of talked about it like adults but no you posted it making me look like an idiotgabbs👼🏼:
how have i made you look like an idiot??
everyone hates me now because of you BLASTING me on Twitter
all you've been saying for weeks is that you are over Tom and you can talk about him and you're healing and everything
all i did was go out with my bf and he joined usluce💋:
gabbie i loved him!!
i sat there crying to you for months when he was hanging out with fucking sydney stan and you told me everything would be alright
you were the first person i called after he walked the red carpet without me
i thought out of everyone you would never ever do something like this but clearly i was wronggabbs👼🏼:
I'm on my Christmas break with my boyfriend and his family
all i did was post a quick photo and didn't think
and now this has ruined my Christmasluce💋:
oh poor yougabbs👼🏼:
this is a jokeluce💋:
no, the way you've acted is a joke
i honestly don't know who you aregabbs👼🏼:
Jesus get over yourself Luce
i've had to sit and hear you go on and on about Tom for months and how this is all his fault but after he's told me about it, it's really yoursluce💋:
don't speak to me ever againgabbs👼🏼:
wasn't planning on it
read at 11.21||
what the hell is going onluce💋:
me & gabbie are donerosie💓:
what why??luce💋:
haven't you seen? i'm pretty sure e news is already on itrosie💓:
i read an article but i don't know how much is really trueluce💋:
nearly all of it
she's gone too far
i'm not burdening you with anything else, enjoy hawaii and i'll see you soon xxrosie💓:
you sure? Xxluce💋:
yeah xx