part fourty five//real life

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Gabbie, Rose and Lucie arrived at the premiere just after the carpet and snuck around the back. Tom and Harrison met them at the entrance inside and lead them to their seats.

They were high up with the cast and family in a balcony. Lucie was seated next to Scarlett and Lizzie. The girls quickly gave Lucie a hug then took their seats.

Rose sat a few seats along from Lucie, Gabbie was behind Rose with Haz and Tom was directly behind Lucie.

She squeezed the girls hands whenever she saw their faces appear on the big screen.
As the movie came to the end, Lucie started to feel anxious about what was coming on.

Her eyes began to fill with tears as she saw her beloved characters disappear. As she saw Roberts face light up the screen, she reached her hand behind the chair towards Tom.

It was outstretched for a few seconds before his connected with hers.

Tears streamed down her face whilst her ex boyfriends character disappeared from the screen and Robert lost him.

Tom held her hand a little tighter once he heard her quiet sniffles.

By the end of the credits she was a mess. Mascara was smeared across her whole face and she had began to chuckle as her fake eyelashes began to fall off.

Once the movie had finished everyone stood up and gave it a standing ovation. The whole theatre went into a huge applause.

Lucie turned to her sides and hugged Lizzie and Scarlett. She then walked down to Robert and everyone she saw she congratulated. Her heels were quickly removed and she ran down the isle and crossed into Toms.

"Tomm" She exclaimed whilst hugging him.
"You liked it?" He chuckled.
"I loved it!" She smiled.

After the premiere the girls jumped on a RedEye home.


hey, wassup

after tonight i realise how much i miss you
message deleted
i'm home safe, thank you for the invite i really enjoy it 😊

no worries! let's hope we get a sequel and you can come down to set!!

that would be amazing!!
fingers crosseddd


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