part four//real life

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Once the plane landed and the girls collected their bags, they made their way through the airport.
Zendaya had recommended that Lucie remove her bracelet before the paparazzi made it into a headline, so she did.
However, she did wear a sweater that Tom had gifted her.
She didn't know why, but she wanted to. It was a comfort, something to hold onto.

The two girls flew to JFK and Zendaya to Paris, for the first leg of fashion week. They left the airport and were greeted by the paparazzi. Since her statement had now been posted, they had something new to shout at her.

Quickly, they got in a cab which luckily had just stopped and made their way to campus.

"I shouldn't of worn this stupid sweater" Lucie huffed, leaning her head on the window.

"No, you can wear what you want. You may have broken up with Tom but it doesn't mean he wasn't your boyfriend. If you didn't wear it they would've painted you as the villain in this situation. Now people will understand that you had to breakup with Tom because you're still in love him"

Lucie put her head on Rosie's shoulder and they fell asleep.
After an forty five minute drive, they arrived back at campus to their real lives.

The girls lugged their suitcases up the stairs onto their floor and unlocked the door.
When they opened it, the saw Gabbie asleep on the sofa.

They tipped toed into the kitchen trying not to make any noise but Gabbie woke up and ran over to them.

"Finally!" Gabbie exclaimed.
"Sorry" Rosie said, giving a small smile.

She looked over to Luce and buried her into a hug. They then had Rose join them in the embrace and Luce began to sob.
She had to keep it together all day and it was all too much.

After a while, the girls sat down and caught up on everything that happened. They all cried. They all helped each other. They held each other until they fell asleep.

Luce now understood what a real friendship was. It was staying awake until each of you had wiped your tears and could go to sleep with somewhat of a smile. It was Gabbie holding Lucie's hand the whole time she explained her breakup. It was Rose cancelling her trip to Paris with Zendaya to stay with Lucie all week.

Lucie knew what would cure her heartbreak, her friends.

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