part twenty one//phone call

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gabbie: bold
lucie: normal

*ring ring, ring ring, ring ring*

gabbie: hello?
lucie: gab?
gabbie: oh my god luce! i've wanted to call you for days. are you ok? i'm so sorry!!
lucie: me too! i really wanted to reach out. I'm so sorry, i didn't mean any of it.
gabbie: how come you called?
lucie: i need some serious help
gabbie: ok ok, tell me
lucie: i went down to do my work in the common room yesterday by the fire...wait gab, i need no judgement today please
gabbie: no judgement i promise
lucie: so i went in and i saw this guy. we talked for a bit and gab he's really cute...then i kinda asked him if he wanted to go for a Christmas lunch

*gabbie squeals*

gabbie: omg!!
lucie: is that ok? it it aloud?
gabbie: i think so. i think tom wouldn't mind. he's always saying how happy he wants you to be and realises it was his fault and he lost you
lucie: i'm not sure though...i feel so horrible because i really like this guy. gab he took me to the plaza
gabbie; no way!! luce this sounds so good!! tell me about him
lucie: he's so sweet to me. i was really scared about where we were going and he held my hand the whole time. and when i talked about Tom he was really patient and ugh he's just the best

gabbie: luce this guy sounds really great and he took you to the plaza!!
lucie: omg gab when we walked in, the lady at the front desk knew who he was because his family are always there and because his dad owns a bunch on hotels around the city
gabbie: luce you could have a June wedding at the plaza!!
lucie: woah girl slow down. i don't even know if i can go on a possible date
gabbie: lucie seriously, i think you should think about dating him. you clearly like him and he likes you...
lucie: how do you know he likes me? i don't even know if he likes me??

gabbie: luce, he took you to the plaza...woah wait, did he pay?
lucie: yes..but i offered and really tried to but he went off and did it when i was in the bathroom
gabbie: aww, see he's a gentleman!

lucie: he is...but what about tom? what if he's sees pictures or articles?
gabbie: i'll talk to him, i'm seeing him tomorrow for Boxing Day so we can talk then. so luce, are you going to consider it?
lucie: if tom is ok then yes, i'll consider it...
gabbie: yes!!

gabbie: ok babe, i'll see you on Thursday. love you
lucie: love you too
gabbie: byee

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