part fifty five//real life

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Much like when Tom was visiting Lucie and couldn't sit still, Lucie couldn't sleep.
She'd had no sleep last night but still didn't shut her eyes for a quick nap.

Her heart was beating like crazy but she was able to watch a few movies.

Firstly she watched Crazy, Stupid Love to make her laugh. She then watched Mean Girls to make her feel sassy. After, she watched The Notebook to make her cry. Lastly, she watched Love Rosie to make her smile.

After the longest 11hours of her life, she had landed in Gatwick. Lucie considered going straight to Toms apartment but she didn't want to risk it.

Once she'd got her luggage and had got into an Taxi she called Harrison.

bold: lucie
normal: harrison

harrison: yooo luce
lucie: hey haz
harrison: what's going on? aren't you in korea?
lucie: umm no i'm not. i'm actually in England, I just landed
harrison: ENGLAND?
lucie: i'm here to see tom. i love him haz and i want to be with him. where is he?
harrison: oh my god, finally!! i'm so so happpyyy
lucie: haz, where is he??
harrison: we're in Lidil!!
lucie: Lidil?? what's Lidil??
harrison: its a supermarket?!
lucie: so you're both there?
harrison: yes! i'm hiding by the cucumbers whilst tom is buying crisps!!
lucie: haz, get him out of there and to the apartment!!
harrison: i'll try but tom loves his lidil shops!!
lucie: haz??
harrison: where are you luce?
lucie: i don't know?? it's England??
harrison: how far away are you?
luce: like 20mins?
harrison: okay, i'll keep him busy until you're there. you can go in and i'll tell you when we're there
lucie: okay!! don't be too suspicious!!
harrison: okay, i see you soon!

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