Two. Jealousy Taking Over...

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Hey guys...I'm writing this in exams 😂 I just got out of the examination room and well, was bored. So here is a chapter by me from school! Hope it's not rushed.
Taehyung POV.
"So...have you guys ever kissed each other on you all are a group that's been living together for more than five years now, so you must have any incidents" the interview asks Jungkook and grins cheekily.
Wait a minute, is he really flirting with Jungkook? Are you kidding me right now? Argh.
I try to maintain my fake yet believable smile...what can I say? I am an actor you know. As the question comes out of his mouth, I can see the other members (including myself) tighten up their posture a bit. Overall, it is indeed an awkward interview.
Jungkook does his 'though I know what you are talking about but I'm gonna pretend I don't get it' look that he does in every other interview...and gets away with it. I guess I'm the only one who knows that he is ridiculously faking it. But I just sigh and sit back for his 'I don't even know what you're talking about' answer, But instead he says something I still cannot believe.
"Oh yeah...there is actually one incident with a specific member, it was actually really funny kissing him" he laughs.
The. Actual. Hell.
My neck snaps towards him as I eye him like I'm going to throw daggers from them. He still does not notice and keeps going on.
"So...we were playing truth and dare and we were all drunk"
I scoff at his answer. Seriously? You really are going to blame it on alcohol aren't you? I give a stern look to Jimin, who just shrugs with his shoulders and looks away. Literally nobody is helping the case here. I finally man up and decide to speak up for myself for a change.
"Have you ever kissed your friends?" I ask him with a hint of sarcasm in my voice. Hopefully the fans think that I am just joking. If they figure it out, then I don't know what I will do.
Surprisingly, The interviewer rolls his eyes at me and turns back to Jungkook "Yes, go on" He says while admiring my best friend's face. All I could think this guy serious? Usually interviewers ask the other members questions as well but this guy was only focused on Jungkook. The sudden action made the other members uncomfortable as well; Yoongi was about to lose it, Jimin's expression tells me he was confused as f**k, Jin was fidgeting with his hands, Namjoon was scratching his neck in embarrassment and Hoseok was putting up a fake smile as he was sitting close to the interviewer. Jungkook however, continued to flirt back which was very unlikely of him.
"Oh so you haven't kissed a guy?" Jungkook winks as he asks the interviewer. My blood starts to boil as I excuse myself to go to the washroom "Excuse me, but can you tell me where the bathroom is?" I ask politely. But oh no, the interviewer is an assh*le so he will give a douche baggy answer.
"Can you stop talking and shut up? I'm talking to your band mate here-" "Nobody talks to him like that" Jungkook cuts the interviewer off.
I smirk. That's my Jungkook right there. I am so lucky to have him even though he sometimes is oblivious to his surroundings. Whenever he flirts with someone, he doesn't even know that he is actually flirting with the other person.
" were just flirting with me a minute ago and now you're defending that brat?" When the interviewer says this, I can feel the tension rising within Jungkook as he stands up, grabs my hand and we both go out of the exit. After walking for a mile, I stop him. "Jeez dude, calm down. It was nothing actually-" "I cannot believe he called YOU a brat...he should really look at himself in the mirror if he thinks that you look like a brat" Jungkook takes a deep breath and stops in his tracks. "I think we should go back, I mean the members-"
He cuts me off for the third time "I don't care about the members as long as you are safe" he then stares at me with intent. I feel kind of weird right now. It felt like time has passed and he still is looking into my eyes. What is this? I mean we did staring contests before but this is not looking like a normal staring contest to me.
"Um...something on my face?" I ask him with a chuckle, he shakes his head no. Then he proceeds to move my hair back in order to kiss my forehead. "Do not let those immature fools make you feel insecure. If someone ever does that to you, you call me, alright?" He plants a gentle kiss on my forehead, leaving a tingling sensation going down my spine. I laugh shyly, why am I so defeated around him?
Man up, Taehyung.
But I only manage to get out a small "Yes" from my mouth. Suddenly, I look behind to see all the members running towards us two with faces of terror. "You two okay?" Jimin asks. We both look at each other and start to laugh. I do not see them because my eyes are closed of laughing too hard. But I guarantee you this that all of them have pissed off expressions right now.
After arriving home, me and jungkook decide to sit outside while all the other members are changing outfits. We both go over to the bench and sit on it. After a moment of silence, Jungkookie speaks up "Tae Tae" he says, my stomach starts to turn. Why does the nickname itself makes me shiver so much. God Taehyung, stop being a cringy schoolgirl. I cough and simply give back with a "Yes?"
"I have this lyric in my mind, maybe we can use it for future songs" he says, looking down in shyness. I chuckle "Go on" he then clears his throat and sings the lyric.
"Love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it."
My head quickly snaps towards him. And I widen my eyes in shock. "What? Is it really that cliche?" He looks away in rejection.
I laugh, tears forming in my eyes "Nonono! I was so shocked because I can't even come up with lyrics in general and you made one up just by thinking about it?"
He pokes my cheek while holding my hand "Well I'm not as handsome as you, so there we go" suddenly my expression turns serious. Oh no, it's happening for the second time this day. I really need to distract myself. "Should we go inside? I'm getting kind of a cold"
"Yeah, I was about to say that two" we both link arms and go inside.
What is happening?
Am I crazy?
Is this like a weird human experiment that is being implemented from my brain?
I will never find out.
How was this? Dudududu! (Indirect blackpink reference) hope you enjoy!
Bye readers! 😉

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