Fourteen. Angel

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Hiyaaaa guys! Welcome to the second last chapter of my book. Hope you enjoy, writing this was bittersweet.
Taehyung's POV.
"Oh, wait...what?!" I hear Jungkook yell out loud. What the hell. I really wanted to go out and investigate what the members were talking about but I did not want to make them suspicious...after all, I technically cheated on my boyfriend. Hell, I don't even know why I did it. 
I jump up at the sound of the door opening, "Aish-don't worry it's just me!" Jungkook awkwardly closes the door in a professional manner. I sigh. Great. I have to initiate the conversation. I scratch the back of my neck and open my mouth to speak "What-what was going on outside?" As soon as the phrase flows out of my mouth, Jungkook tenses up for a moment and then suddenly relaxes. "I think I am not in the place to say-"
"Cut the chase. You already have seen my d**k. Now you're capable of saying anything to me" I avert my eyes to the door behind him. Sh*t. Wrong move. I clasp my left hand around my mouth, unable to comprehend what I just retorted back to the person adjacent to me.
"Wow. I didn't think you could be feisty after all that-" I signal him to shut up as I hear the sound of the members (the most distinct voice was of Jimin) talking. He quickly mouths a 'Sorry' and sits on the bed. He pats on the space next to him and signals me to sit. I guess I need to face him now. Better do this now or never. I sit on the grey sheeted bed. "Do you really want to hear it from me-" "For the tenth time, I said yes-" He haphazardly puts his hand on my thigh to which my breath nearly hitches. I look over to him. And instead of his signature and devilish smirk...he has a genuine grin on his face.
"So Hoseok was in a public washroom, and he saw uh-" His eyes wander off to the washroom. I raise my eyebrows, and initiate him to continue. "He saw Heechul. And he was apparently making out with some random chick" He coughs and his voice comes out hoarse. "Hoseok immediately dashed out of there and reported it to the other members. He took a picture in case that douche denies it" He furrows his eyebrows. To be honest. I saw this coming.
I knew it anyway.
"No it's fine-I don't even give a damn about his ugly face anyway" I act calm and composed. But I know that my heart is shattering into smaller pieces. Jungkook laughs out of nowhere. "Thank god you and I are finally on the same page about him!" He whispers so no one could hear.
I stare into the orbs that were in his brown eyes, his long lashes, silky hair messily swept to the side. His pale lips that he claimed looked ugly, to me they were the most beautiful pair of pink lips I had ever witnessed.  I loved him. I still do. But  I don't want to risk his career and the bands reputation because of us.
After all? He has had so many girls that were prettier than me, swooning over him. I just never had a chance. And Fast forward to me sitting on the bed on which we both f**ked in.
It's quite ironic actually.
I chuckle at the specific satirical thought that had came through my mind. Jungkook looks at me in worry mixed with a little bit of lust. It really gets me thinking, what if this was all a one night stand? My feelings are not relevant to him. I feel like if Jungkook were to listen to my thoughts aloud, he would always say that I second guess everything too much. And he wouldn't be wrong. After all...before this mess I was completely content with my life.
"Kitten...You second guess yourself too much" Jungkook puts his free hand on my shoulder. Ahh. Is he magically a mind reader now as well? Gosh I just can't escape him, THAT or maybe I don't want to. And code word: Kitten?! Urgh-Okay. I thought I was the one dominating other people. But all my life was a lie I guess.
"Eh-Sorry. Your face says it all. I know you all too well" He looks down in shyness. I can't help but to smile at his stupidness. is the right time Kim Taehyung. You should not fear rejection. You have been rejected too many times in your life so suck it up! I take a deep breath. You can say it.
"Kookie? I love I mean-god we aren't even together and for me to confess-I just can't keep the feeling inside my heart anymore and I also don't want to do any cliche sh*t as well and I know I am probably rambling but you are the most handsome, loving, charming and perfect man I have ever encountered in my life and I am guessing you might not even like me back but I concluded that you were gay based on how good you were at having control of me during our sexual intercourse-ah that was too far but you make it difficult to be alive and the first time I felt this was when we kissed on a Facebook livestream in front of many fans and I get jealous easily I'm so sorry you probably think I am a freak but I don't fear rejection anymore-"
The second I make eye don't with him, he envelopes me with a kiss. Not just a normal kiss; our lips were dry so it was a bit rough, which I liked by the way. I loved the slow pace he always has had...even with kissing. It was not a sensual kiss though, it was moreover hungry. I felt like Jungkook had been weirdly enough...practising for this moment? No that can't be it.
After ten seconds of intense make-out, we pull away. But instincts take over me and I cradle onto his lap, joining our lips together once more. He seems to smile into the kiss because of the childish thing I did. But I don't really care if I am being and acting younger than him.
In between the blissful kisses we would mumble sweet I love you's to each other. Suddenly there's a small knock at the door. We both pull away at the sound of another member barging in through the door.
"Jungkookie can you-OHMYGOD" Yoongi covers his eyes in embarrassment as he walks straight out of the door and may or may not have hit his head on the door.
We look back at each-other in nervousness, but could not help but break down laughing loudly. "Oh-I think he saw someone kissing for the first time!" Jungkook pulls my head down to his lap. Not realising, I had tears in my eyes. Jungkook abruptly stops when he sees that I am possibly crying.
"Kitten? What happened?" He quickly goes to grab a tissue but I grab him by his hand. "No! Jungkook these tears are not sad...they are happy tears that I held back because of you"
And his smile after I said that was the best I had ever seen of his beautiful smiles.
Sooo....please tell me it was good? Okay. Now I'll have to post the last chapter somewhere around next week. Since I have so many exams coming up.

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