Ten. The Truth Untold

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Hiyaaaaaaaaaaaa to all the gays, lesbians, bisexuals, heterosexuals, asexuals, ambisexuals and etc. Welcome to my insane yet fun book that I don't even know what it is itself. 😂
Taehyung POV.
*Nine Months Later*
"I fear rejection...that's why I can't tell him, not yet. I don't even think I'm even in love...maybe it's just a weird stage of my life or either I'm going through puberty in adulthood"
This was me before everything went down.
But now have to tell him. I cannot take it in anymore. Seeing him wrap his arms around the others-especially Yoongi...I used to conceal my jealousy but now, now I have had enough. I am finally confident enough to say the words to him. But there are few little problems that depend on this whole thing. Does he like me back? Is he even gay? What will the press be like? Will BTS get banned in Korea? Will we disband because of this? Will he...reject me?
Maybe I shouldn't.
I stand up from my wooden bunk bed and rush to the washroom in hope that there will be some hot water left. But oh no. Mr. Jeon Jungkook took a shower half and hour age so...yeah I guess this is my bad luck. I try to get angry at him, I try to think of him as my friend, my partner in crime, my brother in need. But I only see him as my caretaker, my love, my life, the oxygen supply for my body, the DNA that flows through my blood vessel, my partner in life.
I want to die because of this-this weird infatuation with him. I feel like the crazy girl in anime cartoons that is willing to kill other people for her own crush. Even if her crush doesn't know her to begin with.
I splash the ice cold water on my face that was dripping in sweat for some reason, I pick up my new pair of clothes from the closet, and throw my old clothes on the murky and dusting floor. I waddle my way out the door. But as everyone knows, f**king cliché stuff happens and I bump into Jungkook who was coming through the door. It was very awkward and risqué as my face was literally in the crook of his neck, and I could literally feel his slow breathing against my ear. Awesome!
"Sh-sorry there!" I move away from him as quickly as possible but him being the muscular, dominant and stubborn man he is...he latches onto my arm like a koala. "Hey! I need to discuss something with you..." he pushes me back in through the door. When his hand leaves my arm, i feel the sting of the bittersweet pain in my left shoulder. What the hell is even happening? Then it comes to my mind. Could it be that he-
"Ehmmmm!" He clears his throat. I jump at the sudden sound. My god! He is younger than me for goodness sake! Why am I being such a shy little kid? Thankfully he was too oblivious at the moment so he carries on with his confession "I needed to tell you this, because you and me both know-" "Waitwaitwait. I am not ready!" I hyperventilate in excitement and put my hands near my face so he could not see the facial expressions I had. I take a deep breath and turn back towards a very fidgety looking Jungkook.
"Go on now..." I murmur in sheer anticipation. His eyes seem to glint in happiness as well whenever he looks at me with a teasing grin plastered on his face. He looks at his own feet when he speaks "I actually have a crush-" "Me too!?" I scream in disbelief and in excitement at the same time. He looks at me with furrowed eyebrows as he opens his mouth to speak once again. But his eyes turn darker and he clenches his jaw in...anger and lust?
"Wait a minute. you have a crush on Yoongi as well?!" He says with a deep satirical chuckle. I cannot help but stumble back in fear and pain. When did he become like this? He had a thing for Yoongi all along? Was I tricked and tested on by him to...then try all those methods on freaking Min Yoongi? My body weight feels heavier and I take shallow breaths to calm myself down, completely failing at the moment. Jungkook however feels unaffected by whatever's going on.
"Are you joking?" I try to smile.
But it turns upside down as I look over to Jungkook with a look of heartbreak on his face. "You know how betrayed I feel...it's okay if you have a crush on him. But for the record...I loved him first!" He pulls his bangs behind his ears and walks off. I stay there, frozen. What? I lock the door and slide down to only end up lying down on the stone cold floor. Everything looks like as if it is a hospital. White floor. White walls, blues curtains and the sound of the tap water trickling down in the form of tear drops.
After almost what it felt like an eternity, I heard a faint knock on the door. "I'm coming!" I pretend to sound normal but instead it comes out of my mouth with sadness lacing it. I get up on one knee...then the other. After a while I hear "It's me...Namjoon!" I hurriedly rush to the door, opening it and pulling him into a desperate yet a comfortable hug. He rubs my back in understanding and we pull away after a short amount of time.
"I heard what you guys were arguing about...honestly, I cannot comprehend what I am feeling right now" He looks at me with a worried look on his face. He continues on "I at least would have expected it to be someone else other than...Min Yoongi. This seems odd" he says the last part to himself. I look up at him with glistening eyes "Would do you mean-" "It means that we need to take revenge from that bastard...listen up. I have a plan" He takes me with him to the rooftop. Me still being confused as heck...I inquire him mercilessly.
"Where are you taking me?"
"Are you going to push me from the rooftop?"
"What plan?"
"Are you secretly going to kill-"
"Can you please seal your lips for a moment?" Namjoon shushes me before he closes the terrace door and we both continue to sit on the dirty and unpleasant smelling ground. Nevertheless, it wasn't time to complain, so I tried to shake my obsessive compulsive thoughts away.
He turns to looks at me with a smile on his face.
"Let's make him feel the same...shall we?"
Did I make you speechless? Don't kill me for this!
Bye readers!

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