Five. Necessities...

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^^^ *sigh* Hiyaaa readers! Golly gosh...I feel so weird today. I don't know if it just is hormonal or am I really this weird? I frickin' took a shower today with my clothes on!? Or maybe I'm just that sleepy. I don't know anything.
Taehyung POV.
"Truth" I say cheekily. We were playing truth and...well truth. So there wasn't really a reason for us to say 'truth' over and over again. Jungguk chuckled as he thought about what to ask me. Yes, we both were only playing...originally it was me, Jungkook, Jimin and Jin. But Jimin had gotten a phone call from his parents while Jin fell asleep on the velvety purple sofa. Who can blame him? I mean it was already two in the morning.
Jungkook was also feeling tired but he stayed with me because I couldn't sleep, he claimed that he was okay but the other second was yawning all over the place. I still laugh at the thought. I pout as I wait for him to think. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he comes up with a question.
"So...We all know both guys and girls fall for you. But how was your first kiss like?" He asks me with a smug grin on his face. My face turns yellow as I look down in sheer horror and embarrassment. Not because the kiss was bad, but because I never had one. I finally take a deep breath and open my mouth to speak.
"Um...I never had one" I simply mutter the words out.
Jungkook blinks at me for five solid seconds after clearing his throat. "Oh. Sorry dude. I didn't mean to embarrass you like that-" "Nonono. It's okay. It's fine. Just don't tell anyone or I'll cut your hair while you're sleeping" I warn him. He chuckles and puts his hands up in the air "Yeah yeah I know. I surrender" we both laugh silently for a moment (since you know, Jin is literally dead on the sofa) and then there is this awkward silence in the room.
Jungkook awkwardly puts his hand behind his back. "You first kiss was actually the-uh gym teacher"
I choke on my saliva. "Excuse me!?" He puts his head down in defeat. "Look, she was really nice...and all. But she really was going to suspend me for hitting another kid with a boxing glove. I found out she really had the hots for me. So I kissed her in order to stay in school, that's it. It was not consensual! I swear"
"How was it? The kiss...I mean" I say while trying to suppress my laughter. He playfully hits me with his arm. "Shut up. No, but it was seriously so weird. She was literally swallowing my breath like a hoover" I try to act surprised "Wow there. Ever heard of too much information?" "You asked for it" He pokes his pink tongue out in a childish manner that just-he's genuinely so beautiful. But homo. Well f**k it. All the way homo for me.
"What are you staring at?" He smirks while brushing his 'sweaty but oh so hot' hair back. I roll my eyes...pretending to be annoyed. "Wait a had to go with Jimin to Jeju Island this Saturday didn't you?" I hurriedly change the topic of the whole discussion to make the air around us a little less awkward. He sighs as I mention the name of Jimin. "Oh yeah...uh I wanted to take you along...actually" he scratches his neck in anticipation.
Is this boy literally high on marijuana or something? Me? I scoff in disbelief "Trust me. Jimin is a much better option. Besides, remember how much fun you two had when you went last time?" I try to convince him. To be honest, it's not that I don't want to go with him, I feel like staying away from him will make him open up to other people. He only ever goes anywhere with either the whole group...or just me. Yeah and that one trip to Jeju Island with Jimin...I convinced him to go.
As much as it hurts...I don't want him to rely on me. I snap out of all these thoughts as I put on a happy facade. "Trust me. Jimin is waaaayyy more fun. And I forgot to tell you. I have a lot of work to do in the studio. My voice has been so throaty nowadays. That's why I asked Jin to help me with it. Plus, Jeju Island is not really my thing-" I make up a fake scenario in order for him to give up and just plan the trip with Jimin.
But oh hell nah.
"We could go somewhere else if you like?"
"No it's okay. I already told Jin-"
"Why didn't you ask me?" He looks down...clenching his fists with anger. And let me tell you, when Jungkook gets angry, he scares everyone...and by that I mean even the oldest member, Jin. His voice echoes through the room. My hands start to shake in fear. "Nonono! It's just that I want you to take a break since you are always the one who's helping me with everything. You deserve it!"
"I did not give you permission to work with anyone else but me!" He looks at me dead in the eye. My eyes widen in disbelief. Is he serious? Am I his slave or something? "What the hell Jungkook?! Do you claim me or something? I can do whatever I want and I will do whatever I will like! Seriously...stop being so clingy! Go out with other people besides me as well...hell I can't even have a social life anymore" I shout in his face, causing Jin to wake up from his slumber.
"The hell?" He rubs his eyes then looks between us both. "Ooookay. I'll just step on out of here. You two have fun. Goodbye!" He runs out the door in a split second. I laugh to myself. But when I look over to Jungkook...Oh sh*t.
His eyes are swollen from crying, face puffed up, body shaking from sadness, he looks up to me and forms a fake grin. "If you think I mess up your private life...then I will stop clinging onto you. I didn't think I was such a nuisance" he stands up and walks over the cards of truth or dare that we had laying on the floor.
But before he went out, he turned to me and told me the most heartbreaking thing that anyone has ever said to me.
"You're my necessity, you know?"
And with that, he leaves.
Throwback chapter to when all of this went down.
Bye readers!

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