Seven. Just kiss already!

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Hiyaaa...have I told you this is going to be a 14-15 part book?'s just that I can't write or prolong a story more than that. Hope it's okay! Ps. Happy Birthday to our Precious Angel^^^.
Jungkook' s POV.
"I see" Yoongi says...jogging along with me...even though I slightly feel like he is getting tired from with the pace I'm going on. Who can blame him? That poor guy had no interest in going with me except for free food from the stall at the corner. I slow my speed a little bit so he doesn't die from the 'loss of breath'. "And what about you? Aren't you worried?" I ask him. Basically we were talking about why I am so worried about Taehyung nowadays. And answer to that question was; Who wouldn't be? I mean it IS true that I took it to the extreme, thinking that I'll never see him again. But the other members told me to stay calm throughout thick and thin. Plus. We really do not want the fans to think that something is wrong. Already the press has been bugging us too much about Taehyung's 'Sudden Outburst'. Yeah right.
As if the press really gives a sh*t. Even though I act calm and composed in front of everyone else. Deep down I really am dying for him to return. As dramatic as it sounds, I cannot put it into any better words.
"It's not that I'm not worried, we all have been contacting him for the past five days...mostly me and you. It's just that I'm mad at him for not contacting us up until this-" I cut his words off...which is a very dangerous thing to do if you are talking to Min Yoongi. But genuinely at this point, I did not really care.
"So what if he got mugged or something?! What if he can't? His battery died? There could be thousands of reasons why he could not pick up are call...and you are just mad at him?" I stop in my tracks to glare at him in disbelief. Is he really serious? Seems like I'm the only one who cares about the precious sunshine.
Yes, I really meant that this time.
Yoongi would usually ignore my sudden outburst but this time, he shockingly sighs and his facial expression softens before he opens up his mouth to speak. "Look I know you might want to punch me in the face or you believe that you are the only one who is sane in the house and the rest of us are morons...I understand that. But the reason we are trying to be calm is because I know worrying is never going to solve the problem-"
"Then what is!? Huh? I went to his hotel room and stayed at his doorstep for two days and I came back because I knew it was of no use! What else do you guys want me to do!? Please tell me" even though I did not want to show insecurity but those last three words come out of my mouth uncontrollably. I pant and run my hands through my hair in confusion. What do they want me to do?
I've tried calling him.
I've tried following him.
I've stayed outside of his hotel room.
I've even tried tracking his phone with mine but it just doesn't work!?
For the first time Yoongi does not push or press my buttons further. I guess he knows how hurt and broken I have been since Taehyung left. It was all my fault. I asked for the obnoxious lady's phone number in front of everybody and it made him embarrassed. If only he knew how much I was burning inside when he flirted with that woman. Why did I do that? I don't even know myself. Have I inherited some weird feelings for Taehyung?
That could be more or less.
"Hey. Snap out of it...we can talk about it when we reach home, you really are riled up today so let's just go!" He grabs my hand. I didn't have any choice but to obey the elder. I actually have caused enough nuisance already. Yoongi must be tired and exhausted from my rambling.
*time skips*
"Open up you sick freaks!" Yoongi says in desperation as he bangs the door with both of his sweaty hands. The door suddenly opens causing him to stumble forwards. "Calm down Yoongi! Wait-what happened to you? You look like you were in a cat-chase or something...jeez is that sweat?" Hoseok says in a mocking tone. "Just please let us in" I groan in frustration. Hoseok chuckles as he pulls both of us in by the use of his arms. Damn, that really is some upper body strength if I have ever seen one.
As we both come inside, the very first thing that Yoongi does is that he scurries off to his favourite maroon couch and slumps on it. Meanwhile I just stand still. Not knowing what to do.
"Oh you two are here? The surprise is upstairs by the way!" Jimin winks. The heck? "Who is upstairs?" I ask him but before I could even finish the whole sentence...he trots away in excitement. "The hell was that?" Yoongi calls out from behind. "I don't even know..." I trail off. Is there like a robber or what? Judging by how chill everybody is...that does not seem to be the case.
I look at Namjoon for support but he just smiles back at me with a full minute of eye contact. Why is everyone acting so giddy all of a sudden. I remember Jin and Namjoon arguing before I went out with Yoongi everyone on drugs or something? " there something on my face or am I just crazy?" I wave my hand in front of Namjoon...who's leaning against the stairs. He snaps out of his weird state. "Hey Namjoon. You alright?" I worriedly question him. "Me? Oh yeah. can go upstairs if you like!" He grins. He. Freaking. Grins. Is this a dream or did I see Namjoon grin for the first time? I mean except with Jin and Taehyung, he never really shows his teeth while smiling so...this is new.
"Why is everyone so keen on me going upstairs?!"
"You'll see!" he says in a singing tone as he struts back to the kitchen.
I go upstairs. Yes, I had no choice but to go upstairs. I make my way to my own room and nothing seems to be out of place. I rolls my eyes as I leave and open the room where Jimin, Jin and Hoseok stay in. I look around. Nothing here too. Is everyone here schizophrenic or what? I shake my head in disbelief as I go to the last room, where  Yoongi, Namjoon and Taehyung sleep...well now there's only Yoongi and Namjoon but...oh well. I shake all the thought away as I open the door...expecting nothing to happen. I mean why would there be a random stranger or 'surprise' in our house and why is everyone so happy all of a sudden?
But this time, the door is locked. "Open up!" I shout. Expecting Jin to open the door since he wasn't downstairs either. After waiting outside for ten minutes...I sigh and turn around to go downstairs. Suddenly the door opens.
"I'm s-sorry" someone behind me stutters adorably.
I turn around. Everything fades in the distance and I only see him. Kim Taehyung. He haphazardly hugs me. With tears streaming down of his glistening eyes. His sun-touched skin shines under the lightbulb. I stay there...waiting for all this to come to me slowly. He looks up at me "I know you are angry but please...just please you can do whatever you want. Hit me. Punch me! I deserve it-"
"My baby.." I pick him up and hug him securely and tightly. "Are you alright? Did you get hurt? Are you-" he puts his finger on my lips. "Yes Jungkook" he smiles through his teary state. I lift his chin up so we can touch our noses...he blushes light pink and I suddenly realise...what is wrong with me? But that does not stop my body to clutch him against my chest. We stay in the same position for five minutes until Taehyung whispers in my ear that he has to go to the washroom.
I laugh at his awkwardness and I let him go. He runs to the toilet, not even bothering to close the door behind him. So I do it for him.
It feels like I have sight again.
Third-Person POV.
There was one person who was witnessing all of this.
Park Jimin. Groaning in disbelief.
"God. Just kiss already"
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