Three. Who Are You?

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^^^cuteeee! Hiyaaa guys! Finally, *drumroll* my winter vacations are here. So I'll try to write here frequently. Enjoy this chapter...seriously, I have nothing else to say 😂. Here we go!
Taehyung POV.
"This is useless!?" I scream in frustration. Yesterday was a nightmare. I still could not digest the fact that I should stop thinking about that hypocrite of a person. Well...he still could do whatever he wants, it's not like he likes me or knows that I have feelings for him. head is spinning in circles. The flashback is still playing over and over again in my head.
"Who is your celebrity crush?" The interviewer asks Jungkook with a flirtatious smirk plastered on her face. Great, why does every interviewer have a need to flirt with Jungkook. I mean, I don't blame her. But atleast pretend to have some sort of communication with the six other members who are sitting awkwardly, waiting for their turn.
And like...Jungkook is the most oblivious person to exist in the whole universe. He does not even know that the interviewer is flirting with him...Instead he progressively flirts back. Does this boy have a sense or is he that stupid? Maybe both. But who am I to say that? I mean I also love him.
Jungkook gives his billionaire smile that he always does, to the interviewer and says "Well...I love IU, she's actually a good female solo artist. I really want to collaborate with her. I mean if she wants to..." he trails off.
The other members (Hoseok, Soekjin and Yoongi) chuckle while the other two (Namjoon and Jimin) pretend to do a fake laugh but fail miserably.
On the other hand, I sit emotionless during the sudden exchange that all of the members have with the interviewer.
Finally, it's the last question of the interview. I sigh in relief as I position myself to smile.
"So...which member are you closest to? Go down the line, one by one...starting with Jungkook here" she winks at him. I want to gag in cringe...the heck does she think she is? Yoongi has the same reaction as myself, I mean...who can blame us? The interviewer clearly was being really unprofessional and rude with us here.
But I don't interfere, or it will end up like last time. Jungkook flipped at the interviewer when he snapped at me during that interview.
So Jungkook goes first, saying "I actually like to spend time with Jimin" he points to Jimin with a shy smile. Jimin himself looks surprisingly shocked. And my reaction to all of this was...excuse me? Is he serious? I scoff audibly, but as I imagined...everyone ignores me.
And so everyone goes down the lineup, one by one.
From Yoongi "I actually like to be with the leader, Namjoon" and Jimin says "Oh, I like to kill time with Hoseok" then Hoseok and Namjoon both say Jimin...obviously Jimin gets all the votes. Lastly, Jin exclaims how he likes to tease Jungkook but spends most of the time with him too. So in conclusion, nobody even says my name. Out of all the six group mates, no one, nothing, nada.
Then it comes to me, I decide to take revenge on all of them, especially that son of a gun called Jeon Jungguk. A smirk appears on my lips as I mischievously slide the microphone away from Jin and decide to speak up "I would actually choose you" I point to the interviewer with seductive eyes.
The interviewer blushes in shyness as I hand the microphone back to her and everyone, including Jungkook looks at me with a puzzled yet shocking expression.
As I thought to myself that everything was going to go smoothly, "Can you lend me your phone number please?" Jungkook...yes, the same oblivious piece of sh*t, asks for her phone NUMBER as the interview was going live. I felt helpless. I couldn't say anything. The other members were as shocked as me.
And let me tell you, that was it for me. I huff and walk off the set with an angry and stoned expression on my face.
I felt someone calling behind me as I pried my way through the endless amount of fans onto a public bus transport. My face was sweating, tears were mixed in with the sweat. And let me tell you, going on the transport was a bad idea. News coverage of me with a stoic expression on my face was everywhere. With Headlines of 'Is the BTS star leaving the group?' Or 'Is Taehyung mad at his fans?' and both of these headlines were incorrect.
After taking pictures with a lot of fans who were with me on the same bus, I get off the bus and make my way towards a nearby hotel. All I could see was a 'Holiday Inn' so I make my way to the room.
*flashback ends*
And here I was, after a day, I was really scared fans would be at my doorstep if they found out but thankfully, I had a mask on while I was checking into the hotel. Anyhow, As I went to the washroom to wash my face, I hear the doorbell ring. I sigh and make my way towards the door, come on...I don't want anymore employees coming in to check if there were any spiders behind the television.
I open the door in hopes of someone wanting an autograph, or loads of fans rushing in through the door. But instead it was...
Jeon Jungkook.
I was ready to shut the door in his face, but his muscular arms prevented me from doing so. "Taehyung..." no. I couldn't here his voice anymore. It really wasn't an ideal place to talk to him, plus I wanted some time away from all of the other members. Thankfully, my stubbornness prevented him from coming in. "Who are you? Please don't disturb me while I am sleeping or else I will call the hotel security"
As he opened his mouth to speak, I close the door on him.
Save me.
How was It? Sorry I needed a dramatic storyline so...sorry not sorry.
It will come full circle though. Trust me.
Bye readers!

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