Chapter 1

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Olivia's POV
My name is Olivia Von Raven. My friends call me Raven. I don't really have any friends. I mean I have people I talk to in class but they never want to hang out with me outside that class. Anyway I have short black hair with side bangs. My natural hair color is brown. I dyed it because my natural hair color didn't match my eyebrows. There really dark even though I have light brown hair. Anyway I have blue eyes with glasses, I'm 5'1, I am 17 years old, I have an hour glass figure but I hide it with baggy clothes, and I hate sports and well physical activity. I take gun lessons and fix computers. I'm kind of a tech nerd. It's probably cause of my dad who's in the army. His name is Jason Von Raven. Anyway that's why he made me learn how to use a gun for self defense, martial arts, and fix computers. My mom i have no clue where she is. Anyway I guess it'll be useful in the future or now for like I don't know a zombie apocalypse?

Day Before Apocalypse
December 20, 2020
Olivia's POV (Raven)
"Raven honey come come downstairs please."My dad yells.

"Coming dad!"I say. I quickly come down. "What's up?"
My dad is in the living room cleaning his guns. He looks up, puts down his gun, and smiles uneasily.
"Olivia I have a bad feeling about tomorrow."he said

"What type of bad feeling dad?"I asked.

"It feels like people are going to die. I don't know how else to explain it and I know it sounds bad since I am in the army but I'm going to give everything you will need in case something happens okay?"He says trying to act calm. I nodded. He grabbed a backpack that was next to him and handed it to me. It was heavy. I opened it and found bullet cartridges, a belt gun holder, tons of my favorite MREs, a water purifier, camping equipment, and all black leather clothes with extras and other necessities. I took out the skin tight leather pants and black leather hiking boots and put them on. Then I put on the belt gun holder and put it on. I leave the leather jacket in the bag for now. My dad then handed me a hand gun, a shot gun, and an automatic rifle. I put the hand gun in gun holder and the rifle and shotgun in loops in front of the backpack. My dad pulled out two daggers out of his pant leg pockets and handed them to me.

"You can sleep with these. You put them on your arms."he explained his voice kind of shaky. I nodded and put them on my arms.

"Well at least I can say I prepared you."he says laughing nervously.

"Prepared me for what exactly?"I asked.

"If I told you more you probably wouldn't believe me."

Day of Apocalypse
Raven's POV
I'm still wearing the gear my dad gave me from yesterday. My dad went back to work as well but gave me one his medals with his name on it. I made my way downstairs with my backpack. I then turned on the news. The head lines said Country Pandemic.
"There is news all over the United States about people eating people and some that have witnessed their loved ones or neighbors who have been attacked and covered in blood said that they turned into a savage and dead looking being. Stay inside of your houses please and lock your doors. If someone is knocking on your door check them first. That's all we have for now."
I quickly run over to the front door and double lock it and then run to the back door and double locked it as well. Then I went into the kitchen and opened all the drawers trying to find a hand held radio. I finally found it and attached it to my belt.
A few hours later
I hear knocking at the front door. I quickly grab my hand gun and a bullet cartridge and loaded my gun. I quietly walked to the door and looked out the window next to the front door. It was Zach Palm. The most popular guy in my high school. He's my lab partner in chemistry. He looked scared

"Let me in please!"Zach pleaded pounding on my door. I looked beyond him and saw dead looking people slowly walking towards him. I quickly I unlocked the front door and pulled him in and locked the door again.

"Oh my god thank you so much."he said breathing heavily.

"Have you been bitten?"I asked pointing my gun at him. He holds his hands up quickly.

"No I haven't."he said quickly. I looked him over and he looked well clean. I nodded and put my gun back in it's holster.

"Is that a real gun?"he asked. I rolled my eyes and nodded.

"Where'd you get it?"

"My dad owns it along with all his other guns."I said walking over to the living room. He quickly follows me.

"What the fuck that's a lot of guns. Who's your dad anyway?"

"He's in the army."I said deciding to give him short answers.

"Well my name is-

"Zach Palm I know. We go to the same school idiot."I said rolling my eyes and then looking over the guns seeing which one he could be able to use without killing himself.

"Oh how come I've never seen you before?"he asks. I laughed.

"I'm your lab partner in chemistry."I said looking back at him.

"Olivia? Oh my god I didn't even recognize you without the baggy shirt and sweats. This style suits you."he said scratching the back of his head. I rolled my eyes and grabbed a pistol and some bullets and loaded them in and handed it to him. I grabbed some extra ones and gave them to him as well.

"Woah you're already giving me a gun?"

"Well at least you have something to defend yourself with." I said. He nodded and thanked me. He put the gun in his waist band. We both sat on the couch. He broke the silence.

"You know the people on the news I think are avoiding the word zombie. I mean it's pretty much what they are."he said smirking.

"You know what you're right. I was trying to find the right word for them but I couldn't remember what it was."
Suddenly my hand held radio started to go to static and then someone was talking.

"Hello to those who are still alive. This is the US army. If you have no where to stay then you are more than welcome to come to our military base's. We have beds set up and plenty of food there. We also have more information. The dead looking people are zombies. It's pretty much how it is in the movies but more. You get bit by one you turn into a zombie in the next week. If you get any of the zombies bodily fluids in your mouth you will also turn. There are also different types of zombies. The regular ones are slow but strong up close. All of them have a good sense of smell and good hearing. They can see somewhat okay. Some can run. Those we call the runners. They can run as fast as you and they can climb so fences work with regular zombies but not runners. Runners were usually people who were active. Almost forgot they can break through windows. That's all I have to say. Survive as well as you can."
Then it went back to static and then switched off.

"Woah."Zach said.

"Yeah."I said quietly. It was getting dark. "You can sleep in the guest bedroom or you can stay up with me."

"I don't think I could sleep anyway."he said rubbing his eyes. I nodded.

"If I fire two blanks then something's wrong okay?"I said. He nodded. "You watch the front door I'll go upstairs for a better view."I said not waiting for him to answer. I grabbed my dads sniper rifle and then went upstairs.

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