Chapter 5

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Raven's POV
The runner was dead. I put my hand gun back in my belt. The other zombies didn't bother me when they came near me. They just went past me as if I was one of them. Guess they don't continue biting someone when the persons already been bitten unless the target fights back. I laughed. I laughed at how long I lasted.

"Two nights."I whispered to no one. One of the zombies passing by looked at me. "I lasted two fucking nights!!"I yelled. It flinched slightly. It surprised me. I went to punch it (not really going to) and it raised its arms to block me. I looked at him more closely. He looked like he was in his twenties. His eyes weren't white or red at all. His skin looked relatively healthy except for the huge bite on his neck. The skin kinda looked like when you faint. He probably was just turned. The just bitten zombies still have some human instincts. I shake my head sadly. I walk into the woods and try to find a place to camp out for a week because I'm not gonna be able to go to the military base. I heard the crunching of leaves behind me. It was the zombie. I ignored it and kept walking. It was still following me. I laughed slightly.

2 hours later

I set up camp near a stream that was pretty deep into the forest. I had a hammock set up in a tree. The tree was tall and had a flat surface that was pretty big in the middle where the branches spread out. It was like tree house big. I set up my necessities in the middle. I also wrapped my bite. Anyway the zombie from before was still following me.

I sat down on the flat surface of the tree and started digging through my bag to see what else I actually have in there. I found a flash light, some rope, a grappling hook, and a sketch book?

"Hmm, I wonder..."I said to myself. I dig around some more and found a pencil. I begin writing what I found about the newly turned zombie. I divided half the book for information and the other half for a journal. I began writing.
12/23/20 Wednesday
Dear whoever may read this,
I have been bitten today. It was by a runner. I was distracting a mob so my friends could go to the military base. I have met a zombie who was recently bitten, maybe a week. He doesn't want to harm me. When I come down from the tree he just looks at me. I've decided to write down information about zombies that I've learned so far in the other half of this book so if you're not interested in this part you can skip it.

December 23, 2020. Wednesday.
Facts about zombies so far: Really good sense of smell, good hearing, can see as well as someone who is nearsighted meaning they can't see far away too well but can see moving blobs. Pretty sure they don't continue to come after you when you've been bitten and haven't turned but I wouldn't test it out if you're in a group. You get bit by one you turn into a zombie in the next week. If you get any of the zombies bodily fluids in your mouth you will also turn. There are also different types of zombies. The regular ones are slow but strong up close. Some can run. Those we call the runners. They can run as fast as you and they can climb so fences work with regular zombies but not runners. Runners were usually people who were active. All of them can break through windows.
Newly bitten zombies still have some human instincts. I tested this by going to punch it and it held up its arms to block it.
If you go out on a supply run tap on a window before you enter any building.

When I finished I put the book and pencil back in my bag. It was really dark so I decided to climb into my hammock and go to sleep.

In the morning

I woke up to my stomach growling, my vision blurry. I took off my glasses and saw that I could see perfectly fine without them. I get off my hammock and put them in my bag and began digging through my bag for an MRE and a water purifier. I then climb down from the tree and go to the stream to get some water. I put the water in the MRE and wait for it to heat up. I heard a groan. I quickly turn to see it was the same zombie.

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