Chapter 8

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Raven's POV
"Everything okay down there?"Dave called.

"Yeah I'm fine."I called back. I grabbed a hair tie from my wrist and tied my hair up half up half down. Then I walked back to the tree with the water. I climbed up the tree quickly. Dave and Grace were set up on the opposite side of me. I set up my hammock the way it was before and laid down on it. I unscrewed the cap of the water purifier and drank some.

"So tell us what you have found about zombies so far."Dave said. I nodded and sat up and reached for my bag. I began to dig through it until finally I found my book. I handed it to him and he and Grace began to read it. Dave started laughing a bit. It sounded sarcastic though.

"What's so funny?"I asked. He looks up at me and shakes his head.

"You really expect me to believe this shit? And that you had a conversation with a zombie?"Dave said dryly. I rolled my eyes.

"Well believe what you want to believe. And why would I make stuff up like that? Like honestly."I said a little too loud. I suddenly heard twigs cracking and leaves crunching.

"Well maybe the stress got your head and decided to make up a dystopian fantasy."Dave said matching my previous loudness. The crunching and cracking started to get closer.

"Dave stay up here and don't make a sound. I'll be right back."I said putting down my water purifier and then jumping down from the tree. I stood up and listened. It was coming from where the path to the town was. I got my gun ready. I then saw that it was the zombie from before. I sighed. He looked a little more like a zombie today sadly.

"It's ok Dave it's the zombie from before. He's not a runner either so he can't climb the tree."I called up to him. He looks down at the zombie. I turn my attention back to the zombie and waved my hand in front of his face. He flinched a little and tried to stop me from doing that. I smiled and looked back up at Dave. He rolls his eyes.

"Did you go turn people since you've been gone?"I asked the zombie. He nodded. I sighed.

"Hey Dave can you throw down my book please?"

"Yeah sure."he said. He dropped it and I caught it. I opened it to the last page of my research and sat down on the same rock as yesterday. I wrote down the date and what I just asked him. I looked back at him.

"Do you know your name?"I asked. He nodded slightly. I wrote down the alphabet and showed them to him. He pointed to four letters. J-o-e-l.

"Joel? That's you're name?"I asked. He nodded. I wrote that down and then started to think of another question. "You see that guy up there?"I asked pointing at Dave. Joel looked up at Dave and then nodded but didn't move to try to get him. "Do you want to eat him?"
He shook his head no.

"Ugh really? He could be just doing the head nods and head shakes without even knowing he's doing it."Dave says.

"Well why don't you ask a yes or no question."I suggested smirking. He rolls his eyes. But cleared his throat.

"Joel whats 2 x 2?"he asked I rolled my eyes but flipped to the page that had numbers on it and then showed it to Joel. He looked down at the numbers and point to the number four. I smiled and then wrote down the question and answer and explained how Joel answered the question. I closed the book and then waved Joel bye and then he walked off. I climbed back up the tree and then went to my hammock. I saw Grace was fast asleep. I smiled.

"This is the first time in awhile I've seen her sleep so peacefully."Dave whispered.

"You should sleep to. Remember I'll watch over you while you guys sleep but not in a creepy way."I whispered. He nodded and smiled. He slowly laid next to Grace and then was out in a matter of minutes. I sighed

"What to do. What to do."I whispered to myself. Then I got an idea. I quietly got up and climbed down from the tree. I didn't even walk very far when I found what I was looking for. It was a willow tree. I ripped off a bunch of the hanging vine like branches and then walked back to the tree. I secured the branches around me and then climbed back up. I quietly set the vine like branches down and began wrapping the vines around the trees branches to make walls. It took three more trips of going back to the willow tree and back to finish the walls so about two hours of working. I left three holes; one for an entrance and the other two for windows. There wasn't a roof yet because I couldn't do that on my own but all in all it was a pretty decent tree house. It still needed some fortifications but it'll do. I sat back down in my hammock and smiled. Dave started to stir. He sat up and yawned and rubbed his eyes. He looked down at Grace and smiled. He then looked around and then jumped a little. I chuckled softly. He looked at me and smiled.

"Did you do this?"he whispered. I nodded. "How?"

"There was a willow tree that wasn't very far from here and I gathered the branches and did this. I need help with the roof though."I explained.

"Why'd you do it?"he asked

"Well since I'm not gonna be here to protect you I thought I might as well make something to help protect you guys."

"Well thanks. I really appreciate it. What time is it?"he asked. I look down at my watch.


"Well I better wake up Grace so we can begin working on the roof."he said. I nodded.

"I should probably get more branches from the willow tree."I said standing up. He nodded and then he shook Grace gently. She stirred and then sat up and looked around. I then jumped down from the tree and walked back to the willow tree and tore off more of the hanging branches. I put them on my shoulder and then went back to the tree and climbed back up. I set them down and me and Dave began to work.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2019 ⏰

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