Chapter 3: Michael

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Scott P.O.V

"What the hell happened in here?!" I asked Mitch while walking inside, well, we didn't need to walk much. Our whole living room was filled with boxes of different sizes. Mitch and I looked at eachother before taking a box and opening it. The box I opened had nothing in it so I walked to Mitch who was just staring at a picture. "Mitch?"

His head snapped up. "What?"

I walked closer and looked at the picture he was holding. On the picture, Mitch was posing with a guy I've never seen before but then I noticed there was a red cross on Mitch's face. "Mitch? Who's that and why is there a cross on your face?"

I looked at Mitch but he didn't answer. Tears were rolling down his cheeks and he started opening the other boxes. I just stood there, watching Mitch throwing every picture he found on the ground. The last 20 boxes were filled with different things: cameras, pillows, vases, etc.

When Mitch opened the last box, he just broke down. I ran over to him and looked in the box. The only thing I saw was a voodoo doll with Mitch's face on it and needles all over it's body. "Mitch... Wh-"

"Scott, where is Wyatt?"

"I don't kn-" Before I could finish my sentence, Mitch was running through the house looking for Wyatt. After a minute he came downstairs with Wyatt in his arms, hugging him. "Mitch what's all of this? Who did this?"

Mitch took my hand in his and lead me to the couch, as he sat down, he let go of Wyatt who then jumped off the couch and started to play with the boxes. My attention went back to Mitch when he started talking.

"Scott... Two years ago I had a boyfriend, Michael, I never told you and I don't know why I didn't, but that doesn't matter right now. We were together for over a year until he started to treat me like he owned me. He told me what I had to do or say, he even used to give me cards with subjects I had to avoid while talking to his friends and family. One day I found the courage to finally stand up to him and tell him I was sick of beeing his doll. He didn't really took it very well when I told him I was breaking up with him. He was so angry, it was just scary. I haven't seen him since that day but I knew he won't just let it go that easily, and I guess this is it. This is how he's getting his revenge."

By now, the tears were streaming down his cheeks and he was just staring at all the boxes and pictures that were laying on the ground. Then his head shoot up and he looked into my eyes. "Scott, this is just the beginning. I don't know how far he will go but I do know that he's going to make my life a living hell."

I was honestly scared for what was going to happen to Mitch. It looks like this Michael guy is a dangerous guy but if he touches Mitch with just one finger, I swear to god, I'll break his fucking arm. I don't care if I get thrown in jail, but if someone touches Mitch, they touch me and I know that sounds stupid but I just... Uhg, it's complicated.

"Scott?" Mitch looked at me concerned.


"What were you thinking about?"

"It's just... What do you mean by 'this is just the beginning'? Do you really think he'll keep on doing things like this?"

"I don't know, but I don't think he'll stop after this... He's not the type of guy that just gives up."

"Okay well first of all, I can't believe that you two were actually together. Second of all, I swear to god that I'll kill him if he keeps on doing things like this." Mitch smiled and hugged me. From the moment the familiar smell of his hair reached my nose, I hugged him tighter. I felt him smile onto my shoulder and was immediately in love with this moment and didn't want it to end. At that moment, Mitch's phone vibrated, so we broke the hug. Mitch took his phone to read the message and his face immediately dropped. He gave his phone and started to walk to every window to make sure it was closed and nothing was outside. I started to read the text out loud.

From: Blocked ID

That's right, I don't give up that easily. But who says that I'm Michael? Maybe I'm someone even closer to you? But I guess you need to figure that out. The only thing that I'm going to say is that this is the beginning indeed.


I looked up from Mitch's phone and saw Mitch running through the house, checking every room. A few minutes later Mitch came back in the living room. "Scott, we need to buy an alarm system very soon. And by very soon, I mean tomorrow." He picked Wyatt up - he was in one of the boxes - and walked to his room.

Mitch P.O.V

Why isn't Michael over me yet? Our break-up was ages ago, how can he be so obsessed about this? Honestly, I don't care, I don't want to think about this anymore today.

I took my laptop and started to edit the video we filmed a few days ago.

You could clearily see the difference between the way we acted in the video and the way we act now. I really missed Scott in the past two months, I missed him even more than I knew. I really didn't know that I needed him this much, he's just become such a huge part of my life. I really need him, without him I'm just Mitch, but with him, we are Scömìche. But actually, I still don't feel like everything is in it's right place yet. I looked at the clock and saw it was midnight. I need to talk to him, now. If he's asleep, I'll just wake him up, he won't mind.

I rolled out of my bed and walked to Scott's room, I opened the door quietly and immediately stopped in my tracks. He was talking in his sleep, that's so fucking cute!

"I... love... you... so... much..." Scott mumbled in his sleep and my heart stopped when he said the last word, well, it was a name. "Mitch..."



So... This was chapter 3! What do you think of Michael? I actually didn't plan on brining up an ex and mysterious texts but I'm totally obsessed with Pretty Little Liars and yeah it turned out like this! I had planned on just letting people (Kirstie, Avi, Kevin, Tyler, ...) jump out of the boxes or from behind the boxes but I thought this would make the story longer and better!

So, I also wanted to apologize... I was planning on updating Wednesday but it was late and I was tired and had a writers block so I decided to finish this chapter today.

Thank you for reading and I'll 'speak' to you soon!

Until then,

Enjoy life!

Love, N.

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