Chapter 4: I love you

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I'm so sorry for not updating yesterday, Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2 was on tv so obviously I had to watch it, but after the movie I was so tired so that's why I didn't update yesterday.

Anyways, this chapter isn't going to be as long as the other ones, my back hurts so much and I need to go to bed early because school starts tomorrow (I am so not ready) and writing takes so much time for me. It litterally tahes hours because I'm never really sure that what I wrote is good so I reread it and change things and reread it and change things and reread it and change things and uhg.

But as I was trying to say, this is just going to be a filler chapter with maybe some Scömíche cuteness? Maybe? You'll see!

I'm not going to hold you guys back any longer now, enjoy!


Mitch P.O.V

I slowly walked backwards, closing Scott's bedroom door without making any noises. As soon as the door was closed I ran into my room and closed my door. I started pacing in my room, trying to find a proper explanation for what just happened.

Did Scott just say he loves me in his sleep or am I hallucinating? Wait, he'll probably have some weird dream where I'm a serial killer and he makes me think he's in love with me just so I won't kill him. That makes so much more sense than him actually loving me. Uhg what am I talking about, it doesn't! I should probably go to sleep before I decide on doing something stupid, like declaring my love for him or something like that. I'm not even sure that I love him, it's not because I love the way he smiles and laughs or the way he laughs at his own jokes, that I love him. I mean, he's my best friend, of course I love those things about him. Or is that what lovers do? Fuck this, I'm so confused!

I didn't even notice I was so tired until now, I let myself fall onto the bed and immediately fell asleep.

Scott P.O.V

I woke up to the smell of breakfast, Mitch is probably cooking some. I rolled out of bed and walked to my closet. I put on some sweatpants and a sweatshirt before closing my closet, taking my phone from the nightstand and walking downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and saw Mitch placing two plates down on the table. He probably heard my footsteps because his head shoot up.

"Right on time! I was just about to come and wake you up!" He said smiling.

"Yeah, I woke up and felt the urge to come down and greet my beautiful best friend who was making such a good breakfast that I could smell it from upstairs!" I said excited but his face dropped and his cheeks colored red. "Mitch? Are you okay? Did I say something wrong?"

"Nope, everything you said was perfect and I can't hold this back anymore, Scott!"

"What- What are you talking about? Mitch, you're scaring me. What's wrong?" My voice trembled.

"What's wrong? Well I'll tell you what is wrong! WE are wrong! We're best friends but I don't want to be best friends! Do you know that I've been thinking about telling you this for two months?! I fucki-"

I held my hand up to stop him. "Two months?" He nodded. "Since we kissed?" His face reddened and I smiled. "Damn Mitch I thought you were moving out because you hate me or because you don't want to be friends anymore."

"Scott, are you listening? I don't want to be your best friend, hell, I don't even want to be your friend! I want to be your fucking boyfriend because I love you so much and I know you love me too because I came to you room yesterday evening to talk about Michael but you were asleep so I wanted to wake you up but I didn't becaue you were talking in your sleep and I kept listening and do you know what you said?" He didn't even wait for me to answer, but I didn't mind because I wanted to know what I said even though I know exactly what I said. "You said you loved me, you said, and I repeat, 'I love you so much, Mitch' and I don't know if that was just a weird dream where I was a serial killer and where you just said that because you knew I wouldn't kill you then or if you really love me of if I was hallucinating but I do know that I fucking love you and I need to know if you love me or not because I can't take it anymore! Making videos with you, living together, ..." He looked down at his hand and I saw tears rolling down his cheeks."I need to know, Scott."

I lifted his head up with my hand and looked him in the eyes. "Mitch, you know that you rattle when you're nervous right? And Mitch, please, don't leave me, I need you as a friend. I need you as my best friend. And most importantly, I need you as my boyfriend." I let go of his chin and his mouth fell open and his eyes lit up. "Yeah you heard that right and now close your mouth because you look ridiculous. Anyway, I love you Mitch, I've been trying to find a way to tell you but I was scared that you'd reject me. I'm so sorry I waited so long and I'm so sorry for ignoring you for two months. But you know what, there's one thing that I don't regret."

"And what  is that one thing then?" He asked confused.

"I don't regret doing this." Before he could answer I pushed my lips on his. His hands flew up to my cheeks and my hands rested on his hips. A few moments later, we were interrupted by my phone vibrating in my pocket. We disconnected our lips and I took my phone to see that I had a text message. Mitch came closer and we read it together.

From: Blocked ID

Aww, that was cute, I almost feel bad for interrupting this moment! Haha no, your happiness won't last for long, be prepared.



HI GUYS! (again)

If you liked this chapter (which didn't turn out to be shorter than the other ones) then feel free to vote, comment and share! Also, let me know in the comments if you guys want longer chapters! Again, I'm so sorry for not uploading yesterday.

Thank you for reading and I'll 'speak' to you soon!

Until then,

Enjoy life!

Love, N.

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