Chapter 6: sea

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Lidia's POV
"It's not a big deal, I just kind of found out that a friend and I ended up liking the same girl" he said looking straight to my eyes, "Oh no... that's bad, I once had this friends that used to like the same guy and they ended up arguing and stopped being friends" I replied and he suddenly bursted out laughing. I just sat there staring at him "What? Why are you laughing? What I said isn't funny!!" I said while shaking his arm but that made him laugh even more "I don't get it, why are you laughing?!" I whined, "I-it's n-nothing" he tried to reply while still laughing. He kept laughing for like ten minutes straight until he gradually stopped, "I-I'm sorry, Lidia" he managed to say while wiping his tears "But why did you start laughing?!" I said raising my voice a bit, "Really it's nothing, I just thought of a lame joke someone told me earlier and realized I just got the meaning" he said smiling, "Oh, and what was the joke?", "Why aren't koalas considered bears?" he said raising his eyebrows, "Uhm... why?" I replied furrowing my brows, "Because they don't have the koalifications" he said and I started laughing, "See? It's funny" he said while taking a bite of his sandwich. Now I was the one laughing nonstop.

We ended up watching a film since we ran out of topics for our conversation. We played Big Hero 6 since it's one of my favorite films and he said he hadn't watched it, and guess what? I fucking fell asleep again. I woke up alone, I reach out for my phone to see what time it is since the sun had already risen "Oh, it's 10am" I thought, I set the phone down again and get up from bed to brush my teeth. When I come back I see there's a note on my table

"You fell asleep again, silly. I took out the trash so you don't have to worry about it. It'll be morning when you see this so good morning~ btw, message me when you wake up"

I set the note down and go for my phone and open his chat

I set the note down and go for my phone and open his chat

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I stand up and go get dressed. I pick up a grey sweater with black jeans. I put some mascara and lip balm to light up my sleepy face a bit.

A/N: this is Lidia's outfit

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A/N: this is Lidia's outfit

I walk down and meet with Yoongi "Good morning!" I greet, "Morning" he replies with a soft smile, "Starbucks?" I say, "Okay" he agrees. We walk out and head to the nearest Starbucks "Do you want to sit here?" I ask, "What about we have it to go and have a walk?" he replies "Okay" I said with a shrug. We go out with our coffee "Where do you wanna go?" I ask, "Do you trust me?" he says and I look at him eyebrows knitted "What?" I reply "Do you?" he repeats, "Yeah? I guess? But why?" I say with a questioning tone "Then just follow me" he simply replies and starts walking. We then entered the subway but I didn't get to see any of the signs since he was walking pretty fast "Wait for me!" I called, he turned around and grabbed my hand "WHAT IS HE DOING?!" I screamed internally, he then looked at me "I don't want you to get lost in the crowd" he said and I just let him be since I wasn't really bothered by the sudden skinship. We got on a train and sat next to each other still holding hands, I kept looking at our fingers intertwined, it looked like our hands fit perfectly with each other. I sensed my cheeks heat up just by that thought "Are you okay?" he asked with a concerned look, "Yeah, the coffee is still too hot" I replied without knowing how did I even think of an excuse that fast. We got off after six or seven stops and when we exited the subway I saw that he had brought me to the sea.
We took a walk by the sea and talked about different stuff with our hands still together "Why can't I let go of his hand?" I thought, we then saw some kids playing and hugging a lamppost "I don't know why but I also used to do that as a kid" he said pointing at the kids with a big smile plastered on his face "You can still do it though" I said laughing a bit, "No need to say it twice" he let go of my hand and ran to the next lamppost and hugged it. I grabbed my phone and took a snap.

"Hey!! That's playing dirty!! Don't take pictures of me!" he yelled running to me trying to grab my phone "Too lateee I already posed it!!" I said running away from him and laughing "Listen you girl I have a reputation!!" he yelled grabbing my jac...

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"Hey!! That's playing dirty!! Don't take pictures of me!" he yelled running to me trying to grab my phone "Too lateee I already posed it!!" I said running away from him and laughing "Listen you girl I have a reputation!!" he yelled grabbing my jacket and pulling me into his arms "I won't delete it!!" I said laughing while trying to scape. He then turned me around to make me face him "I said I won't delete it! And your reputation is nonexistent anyways" I looked up to his face and he was looking at me with a smile. I suddenly blushed and quickly lowered my head "Why is he looking at me like that?" I thought while trying to pull out of his arms, "Wait no, please don't move, I like this..." he said placing his chin on my head and tightening the hug. I stayed still. This situation reminded me of that time I fell asleep in his bed and woke up with him laying next to me. "Yoongi what-" I started but he just shushed me "Just a bit more, please" he whispered and I stayed there in his arms with my hands on his chest. I could hear his heartbeat from this position, it was racing "Why is he hugging me out of the blue?" I thought. He suddenly pulled me out of his arms "I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that" he said looking at the floor, "We should go back now" he said and looked at me, "Okay..." was all I could say. I felt so confused by his actions, "Why did he first tell me to stay hugging him for a while but then he suddenly pulls me out and apologizes?" I thought on our way back to the subway.

We were back at the dorm. We went up the stairs together and when we reached his floor he turned around to say something but it kind of felt like he stopped himself "Uhm, see you later at lunch", "Yeah... see you" I said and turned around to continue to my room.

She didn't take too long to come to my room

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She didn't take too long to come to my room. "Hey, what's wrong?" she asked while entering my room, "I... I don't know..." I replied, "Are you okay? Did something happen?" she said sitting next to me on bed, I didn't reply and just rested my head on her shoulder, she passed an arm around my back and stoked my arm. "How do you know when you like someone?" I ask.

Namjoon's POV
*earlier that morning, before Yoongi leaves with Lidia*
"Namjoon" I hear Yoongi say from his desk, "Uhm... yeah?" I reply, "Why do you like Lidia?" his question surprises me "W-what??" I stutter a bit, "What do you like about her?" he simply replies as if he thought I didn't understand the question, "Uhm, I don't know, I just happen to like her, I can't really explain why but... I feel that she makes me happy, being around her, hanging out and doing stuff with her" I reply not really sure of what to say "Why do you ask?" I ask curiously since that question was totally out of nowhere, "No... it's nothing, I was just curious" he said and turned around to face his desk again "What the fuck? He asks me that weird question and now he doesn't want to tell me why???" I mentally punch his face. "No, Yoongi, why do you ask? There must be a reason, you barely talked to me yesterday and now you ask that as if it was the most normal thing?" I say, "It was just a question, Namjoon, just forget that I asked" he replies without turning around to face me, when I was about to stand up to make him answer me, his phone buzzed and he stood up. He took some clothes out of his closet and went to the bathroom to get changed. I sat there waiting for him to come out of the bathroom and when he did I stood up, "Yoongi, you are my best friend, I don't like feeling that you are mad at me for some reason I don't know..." I say looking straight into his eyes, "I'm not mad, it's just that I didn't realize you liked her..." he replied lowering his head, "And what about it?" I asked fearing what he will say. He lifted his head to look at me in the eyes, "I... I am sorry, Namjoon" he said furrowing his brows, "I really am" he continued and headed to the door and shut it right behind him. "I need to confess my feelings to her as soon as possible, or someone else will" I tell myself while still looking at the closed door.

A/N: hiii this is a short update but I hope you like it! ☺️
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