Chapter 11: cinema

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Namjoon's POV
"I don't know if it would hurt me because she's with you or just because she's with someone that's not me" I replied, Yoongi looked at me "I guess we can't go to her" he said, "I guess" I replied and turned around to face my desk. Yoongi's words kept going through my mind, wouldn't I be happy if she's happy?

Weeks passed and we started to assume that neither of us wouldn't be with her. And it still hurt, but I guess we just got used to it. I was picking my stuff when I heard someone call me and I lifted my head to see who it was, "Oh, Hannah, do you need anything?" I asked, she was a friend from class, she was really cute and nice. The songs she wrote were amazing and she always got A on all of our projects, she had so much talent, I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard her talk, "I... uhm... I was wondering if you had anything to do this evening?" she said playing with her fingers and looking at the floor, "Uhm, I guess not, why do you ask?" I asked since we've never hung out if it wasn't for a group project, "There's this film I want to see and I thought that you might want to see it too" she said still not making eye contact, "Oh, which one?", "Bohemian Rhapsody" she replied now finally looking at me, "Oh! Sure! I've been wanting to watch it since it came out, Yoongi also wanted to go do you mind if I ask him?" I asked, "I... I was thinking if we could go uhm you know... just the two of us" she said as her face began to turn red, "Oh... I'm sorry Hannah, I don't see you in that way... we are friends and I truly admire your works, but that's all" I said, "You have a girlfriend?" she asked looking at me straight in the eyes, "No but I-" I replied as I could foresee where she was going, "So then why not give me a chance?" she cut me, "I don't want to hurt your feelings, Hannah", "You won't! Just one date, please!" she said shaking her hands in front of her. One date doesn't hurt anyone, right?

Hannah and I were already at the cinema and were waiting to buy popcorn. She was really cute today, her outfit was totally cute. I was already enjoying our small date. "I need to go to the restroom" she said, "Sure" I replied and she left. It was already my turn to order our drinks and popcorn but I heard someone calling me and I turned around to see Blake waving and coming closer, "Oh, hi Blake" I greeted her as she came closer, "Are you here alone?" she asked, "Oh, uhm no. I'm here with someone" I replied and froze the moment I saw Lidia standing right behind Blake. "What film are you watching?" Blake asked, "I- uh, I'm..." I stuttered but got cut by Hannah that came back from the restroom, "Are they your friends?" she asked standing right beside me, "Uh, yeah. We live in the same dorm" I managed to reply. I couldn't believe I literally ran into Lidia the only day I decided to go out a bit to stop myself from thinking about her. "Did you order our popcorn and drinks?" Hannah asked with a smile, "N-not yet" I replied. I turned around and asked for everything. When I got it I turned around and saw Lidia staring at me with a sad face. "Won't you introduce me to your friends?" Hannah said with a huge smile, "Excuse him, he's dumb. I'm Blake and she's Lidia, nice to meet you" Blake replied smiling, "I'm Hannah, one of Namjoon's classmates" Hannah replied smiling at them. I saw Lidia faking a smile and turning around to buy popcorn. I approached her, "How are you doing?" I asked without looking at her, "You'd know if you had asked, since you said we'd still be friends" she started, "But I guess it was better to cut all contact, right?" she continued and grabbed her food to go to Blake, leaving me there without knowing what to do or what to say.

I turned around and saw Blake waving at Hannah, who came right to me after waving back, "Is everything okay?" she asked concerned, "Yeah" I replied, "Let's go, the movie is about to start" I said and started walking.

We exited the cinema and ran into Blake and Lidia again. "Hey! How was your film?" Hannah asked, "It was really good! What about yours?" Blake replied, "It was really good too" I replied, "See you around, I guess" I continued and turned around. Hannah said bye to them and turned around to follow me. "Are you sure you are okay? You've been really quiet since you saw them" Hannah asked again, "I'm fine. Do you wanna go somewhere else?" I said turning to look at her. "Uhm... okay? What about an arcade?" she said smiling, "Sure" I smiled back.

"I had so much fun today, thank you so much for agreeing to go on a date with me, Namjoon" Hannah said, I had walked her home since it was pretty late and it was already dark for her to go alone. "I had fun today too, thank you" I replied, "You should go inside, it's cold" I continued and she nodded and waved at me while entering her house.

Lidia's POV
"How can he move on so fast?!" I almost yelled at Blake, "You don't know if it was a date, Lidia" she said trying to calm me. "That was a date and you know it" I replied harshly raising both eyebrows. "Well, and what if he moved on? Do you expect him to still be sad and to not exit his room for how long? Months? Years? Come on, Lidia, you know life isn't like that" she slapped me with those words that hit right through me, "You're right..." I mumbled and started sobbing, "Lidia..." she said caressing my arm, "I... I want to go back to the dorm. I'm sorry I ruined our night out" I said and stood up from the bench we were sitting at and so did Blake, "Don't worry, it's not your fault" she said hugging me from the side.

We were back and I threw myself on my bed to continue crying. After a while, I heard a knock on my door. I got up and walked to the door, "Yes?" I said between sobs, "It's me, Yoongi"

A/N: new chapter!! this will probably end in the next chapter 👀 what do you think Yoongi wants now? 👀👀
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