Final chapter

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Lidia's POV
"It's me, Yoongi" I heard him say from the other side of the door, "Now it's not a good time" I said leaning my back on my door, "Lidia, please, open up. I can hear you sobbing from here" he said softly, "More reasons for you to leave, can't I be sad alone?" I said a bit harshly, "No, you can't. A girl I like can't cry alone if there's something I can do to help" he replied and I gasped. Did he just say he likes me? Can't be. "W-what did you just say?" I stuttered, "I won't let you cry alone, Lidia" he paused, "And I said I like you" and stayed silent for a few seconds. I stood up and opened the door and headed to my bed. He entered my room and I was already lying on my bed facing the wall because I couldn't look him in the eyes. I heard him close the door and come closer to me. He then lied on my bed next to me and put his arm around my waist, "I've missed you..." he said next to my ear and I curved into a ball. He took the chance to bring me closer to him and put his hand over mine. I started to play with his fingers and brought them to my lips to kiss its tips. "Today I saw Namjoon on a date with a girl" I said still playing with his fingers, "Is that why you were crying?" he softly replied kissing my head and I nodded in reply. "Would you have cried too if it was me the one you saw on a date?" he asked and I nodded again. "Lidia, I love you" he slowly said, "What about Namjoon? You two said that you didn't want your friendship ruined by me" I said turning around to face him, our faces now centimeters apart, "I want to give us a try" he replied looking straight to my eyes. I moved a bit to put my face closer to his and kissed him. A short but beautiful kiss. His lips were so soft. I missed them. I separated from him "Are you sure about this?" I said staring at his eyes, as if I could drown in them. "I'm 100% sure" he said and pecked my lips. He was now smiling, his beautiful gummy smile. I missed it. I missed him. I closed my eyes and fell asleep in his embrace.

*summer vacation*
"We'll keep in touch" Blake said sobbing, "I can't believe this year has already gone by and I won't get to see you for so long" she continued and started crying. "No, don't cry! Or you'll make me-" I started but interrupted myself with my own sobs and tears. We hugged each other, "I'm gonna miss you so damn much" I whispered, "I'm gonna miss you too" she whispered back. Next to say goodbye was Wei, "So you won't be coming next year?" I asked still sobbing, "I'm afraid not" he said with a sad face, "but I'm glad I got to meet you all. I go back home having new friends" he continued and I hugged him.

Next was Namjoon. I stood in front of him, "We'll keep in touch" he said looking at the floor, "I'll take care of Yoongi for you" he smiled and his cute dimples showed up. I hugged him, "I'm glad he has you, Namjoon" I whispered to him and began sobbing again, "Lidia, don't, stop crying!" he said stroking my back. We separated and looked at each other, "Are you coming to Spain this summer with Yoongi?" I asked whipping my tears, "I don't think so, I'm not a great fan of third-wheeling" he smirked, "You don't have to, you can bring Hannah with you!" I said and winked at him, "I-I already told you we are just friends!" he said all flustered. "There, there, big boy" Yoongi patted Joon's back, "We know you are just friends" he said making quote marks in the air with his fingers and laughing, Namjoon just sighed and rolled his eyes in reply.

Yoongi said he wanted to come with me to the airport so he could stay a bit longer with me. So we both got in a taxi and waved to our friends. I closed the window and leaned on Yoongi's shoulder. We arrived at the airport and checked in my suitcases. He walked with me to my gate and hugged me, "I'm gonna miss you so much..." he said to my ear, "We're seeing each other in two weeks! Don't be so dramatic!" I said and laughed a bit, "And what about it? I'm gonna miss you" he said fake crying. I pulled out of the hug and kissed him, "I'm going to miss you too, dummy" I said after separating our lips. I hugged him one more time and headed to the boarding gate, turning to wave to him every two seconds. "Message me when you get there!" he yelled and I smiled and gave him a thumbs up.

A/N: this is the final chapter!!!!! I truly hope you all enjoyed this story more than I did and don't forget to vote if you liked this chapter! ✨💖
See you on my next fanfic! 😌💖

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