Chapter 2: settleing

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Lidia's POV
"We're here!" the driver said, I payed him and opened the door. "Have a nice day!" "Thank you so much, same for you" we smiled to each other and the taxi left. I turned around and entered the building. I looked for someone that looked like a staff there and finally saw a guy with a light brown blazer next to a shorter guy with a black oversized hoodie "that must be a guide" I thought. I walked over to the tall guy "Hi!" they both turned their heads to me and since they didn't even say a word I continued "Uhm... My name is Lidia, I just arrived here" "And what does that have to do with us?" the short guy answered a bit harshly and the other one looked like he already realized my mistake "Oh! Uhm, we aren't guides we are students who live here too" he laughed and cute dimples showed on his cheeks "wow how cute... wait no! Oh fuck you got them wrong! Quick say something!" I internally panicked and quickly stepped back a bit "Oh my god I'm so sorry I mistook you" I said lowering a bit my head. The short guy looked at me probably wondering if I was stupid. "Don't worry about it! Hey, my name is Namjoon and he is Yoongi. We are new here too" he said while punching Yoongi's arm. Yoongi just nodded in response and looked away. "Tsk what a jerk how can those two be friends? Their personalities look totally different" I thought. I smiled and looked at Namjoon "Like I said before, I'm Lidia, nice to meet you two!" I said.

Then they both helped me find the dorm's guide and it didn't take too long since they had met him earlier when they arrived. "He's there" Namjoon said while pointing at a man standing surrounded by people who looked like they had just arrived too. "Well, now we'll leave. It was nice meeting you, Lidia I hope we see each other again!" he said cutely "Thank you for helping me find the guide! I hope to see you guys again!" I replied and Yoongi just left a small "Tsk" while shaking slightly his head. I threw him a death glare and turned around "What a total jerk!" I thought. I could slightly hear Namjoon scolding Yoongi.
I then approached the guide and waited for him to attend everyone that was before me. When it was finally my turn someone bumped into me and made me fall to the ground "ouch!" I let out while massaging my butt cheek. "Oh no! I'm so sorry, did you get hurt? Are you okay?" I looked up and saw a girl that was standing in front of me with a huge cello case on her back and a concerned look on her face. "Oh, don't worry" I laughed "I'm okay just my butt that hurts a bit" I said still massaging it. "Still, I'm so sorry! My name is Blake and yours is?" she said while offering her hand to help me stand up. I took her hand and stood up "My name is Lidia, nice to meet you" I said. "Nice to meet you too! Now I got to go I have my mom waiting for me outside, let's talk some other time, Lidia!" she said while running towards the exit and waving. I waved back and turned around only to see that the guide was gone "oh no... I lost him! Where did he go?" I looked around and saw him sitting on a big couch that was in the middle of the lounge. I walked there and slightly tapped his shoulder, he then turned around "Yes?" he looked at me smiling "Oh, uhm... I just arrived here and need some information" I said. "Sure, my name is Jordan and I'm one of the dorm guides, welcome and nice to meet you! Now lemme check the list. What's your name?" he asked while still looking at the papers in front of him "I'm Lidia Martínez Castro" I quickly took my passport out of my bag and replied. He flipped the sheets while looking thoroughly for my name; I was growing a bit nervous since it was taking so long "What if some paper got misplayed? I'm dead what do I do n-" in the middle of that thought I heard his voice say "Found you! Wow you are from Spain? That's pretty far, how was your flight here?" I felt a huge relief leave my heart and mind "yeah, I'm from Spain. The flight was good! Long and a bit tiring but it was fine, no turbulence or any other flying problems" I replied. "That's great! Well if you follow me, I'll show you where your room is" I stopped him before he started walking "I sent all of my belongings by mail, they should have arrived already, I should pick them before going to the room" "Oh, yeah they are all in your room don't worry, we have a lot of foreign students staying here and you all send your stuff before your actual arrival so we just put your things in your rooms because if we had to storage every foreign student's things in the same room we would have piles and piles of boxes and it would be a mess" he explained while showing me the way to my room and I simply nodded in reply.

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