life guard

37 7 0

dear dan, 

reasons 4-6 

4. the dimples in your cheeks that curve when you smirk after you make a terrible pun. 

5. your terrible puns you crack at the worst times. never take life seriously. 

6. your vintage rock fashion sense. nobody can ride a flannel on their hips like you.                                          

                      ever admiringly,                                                                                

dan formed his lips into a small 'o'. 

this time the paper was peach and the envelope was magenta. the writing was still cursive and the i's were dotted with hearts. 

dan was clueless and couldn't help but wind himself deeper into the spiderweb of questions. 

he sat on the cliff with phil, legs dangling freely off the silvery rock edge, small splashes of water landing on the patented surface of his scuffed combat boots. 

the basin of water forming at the base of the waterfall reflected a distorted copy of the round shimmering moon and all the stars in sight. 

phil was wearing floral jeans and a white tank top underneath a pale lemon yellow cardigan. he was tangling his fingers in dan's headphones cord, whistling to the tune of an old, dated song. 

"so, should i change your nickname to lover boy now?" 

dan felt warmth prickle at his cheeks as he folded his arms and turned his back on phil. 

"why do you make fun of everything?" "cause i don't take life seriously. it's not like i'm getting out alive." 

dan sank back, pulling his legs up to his chest and staggering unsteadily to his feet. phil mimicked the action and rose from his spot. 

once off the cliff dan leaned himself up against the rocks as phil outstretched his arms, teetering along the edge of the waterfall pool.

dan scoffed, for having an extensive knowledge of almost everything.. phil was still such a child. his tongue was poking out his mouth in concentration. he was now only a couple steps away from dan.

dan noted the look of concentration on his neighbours face and couldn't stop himself. he made a small circle with his fingers and brought it to his lips. he pressed his tongue to the roof of his mouth and blew hard. 

phil snapped out his trance and lunged forward out of instinct and utter fear. he gripped the closest thing to him, dan, and toppled into the freezing water body. 

bubbles formed and mercilessly bustled past the two boys, letting them sink deeper into the bath of icy water. dan's survival instinct kicked in and jump started his legs into a propelling kicking motion. 

he reached the surface with fire tickling his throat, a stone weight crushing his heavy lungs. his eyes were blurred and stinging excruciatingly. he was alone in the silent forest. 



dan took a harsh breath before pushing his head back under the surface. his hands desperately searched before brushing the grasp of knitted fabric. 

he clutched it tightly and hoisted the weak body into his arms. 

phil was hauled onto the dry land. his vision would come and go in waves unexpectedly. dan was hovering over him, gently slapping his cheek. 

phil reached his hand up and swatted away the other teens hand. he spluttered and coughed before rolling onto his side to spill the water flooding his mouth. 

"you can't swim?!"
"nope. never learned."
"why didn't you tell me?"
"i never really thought i'd be lucky enough to swim with you." 

phil gave a wink as dan registered the situation. 

dan glanced at himself. his black shirt was soaked through, hugging his chest and clinging to his shoulders. his jeans were soggy and admittedly uncomfortable whilst his combat boots became heavy around his ankles. 

phil's jet black hair had fell down in front of both his eyes with the weight of the rushing water, small droplets falling from the loose strands. his white tank top became almost transparent, outlining the shape of his stomach. 

dan heaved a wheezy breath. his mismatched shallow pants were synced with phil's. the panting soon faded into a fit of quiet laughter. phil coughed, tears brimming his ocean blue eyes. 

"i nearly drowned."
"you can't swim? you nerd."
"you saved me. i guess i'm eternally indebted to you."
"how did it feel nearly dying?"
"i may have been on the verge of death, but it was the most alive i've ever felt." 

the two teens continued their shaky giggling. 

"you could be a lifeguard, dan."
"a lifeguard?"
"yes. guard my life for me dan."
"okay. i'll guard your life."
"thanks. we've had quite the adventure tonight."
"we should make a bucket list."
"that's one of the smartest things to ever leave your lips, kitty boy."
"no, let's do it."
"we can write it back home. a bunch of things to do before the end."
"let's make a bucket list then." 

dan hoisted phil onto his back who in return hugged him like a baby koala. he hummed softly into the gap of dan's shoulder blades.

slowly but surely falling asleep.

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